>>27967978Good! That's... That's clear.
>The Doctor poked his head up past the terminal again, trying to give the skater child a reassuring smile.I mean, you've got the helmet, the pads and the skates, right? Surely you've got an affiliation for it! Just, try to concentrate.
>He then went back down behind the console. I'm workin' on a way to help with that memory loss, just need time is all...
Aha, here we are!
>>27968231>The Doctor then walked back round the console up to Lloyd, now holding some very overly complicated looking goggles, fit with a few blinking lights and some other sciencey looking bits.Here, put these on, they should help with seeing until you can get some actual glasses.
>... How long must he have spent on those do you think?>>27968129...
>The man couldn't help but give the girl a look as she started looking around momentarily. "Toothbrush"...?
>He then folded his arms and spoke up proper. I'm starting to think that you just watch too much television. Really, time travel, that's the first place your mind jumps too? That's a bit ridiculous don't you think?
>>27968160It's fun to see the reactions I get from it.
>The Doctor folds his arms and gives Baldur a curious look, fit with cocked eyebrow and all.Might I ask what you're chasing? It sounds like it makes for a good story.