>>29398141>What do you remember of the reception for Tiny Toons in the earlier days of the fandom?>I'm aware of there having been some drama with like some guy stalking Tress MacNeille (va of Babs)TT roughly coincided with the first outburst of Furry activity, brought on when ISPs allowed people to connect to the internet from somewhere other than a college.
(side note: as incredible as this seems, it was actually possible to get someone kicked off the fucking internet in those early days, and it happened a lot more often than you'd think. The first ISPs (Netcom, Best and Speakeasy) brooked absolutely NO shit when it came to their user's behavior. If someone sent an email to your ISP's abuse@ address complaining that you were being an idiot, and they found out you were, that was it for you on that provider. Since they were usually the only provider in your area, your ass was back on BBSs for a good, long while.)
TT was actually pretty well received and WB was aware -- OH so aware -- of early Furry fandom. There was a lot of cross-over between Furry and TT fandoms and I suspect more than a few Furries had that first, dreadful "ah-ha!" moment about themselves when they saw Minerva Mink.
I talked about Dennis Falk's stalking of Tress, but he wasn't the only one out there being creepy.
(Second side-note: I'm actually "in" an episode of Animaniacs; or more precisely, something I wrote is in the "Please Please Please Get A Life Foundation" skit. I don't know whether to be proud or ashamed of this fact.)