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/sveg/ - SVTFOE - Star vs. the Forces of Evil general
Star versus the Forces of Sage
Goddamn it, I had to retire early and the thread was dead by the time I woke up. Is trash really that active, or are there other nefarious forces at work here?
In any case, we'll use a camouflage image for the OP. Maybe we'll get mistaken for some horse fucker thread here in the garbage can and be left alone, right?
No one really cares about the OP anyways, but what evil forces do we expect for the next season? Was it really just racism after all? Is there any chance of Globgor actually being evil? Or perhaps a new challenger shall appear??
>Deliveries from last thread
>Sab having a bad time on New Years.
Poor girl really deserves her knight in shining armor.
>Pandoras box was opened
What have we done anons? It's all ogre now.
>The Booru:
Tag shit. It's relaxing, you can discover new images sometimes, and it helps out everyone!
But try to be smart about it, plz?
All episodes that have aired can be downloaded from the links below:
>Season 1 and 2
>Season 3
previous thread
Star versus the Forces of Sage
Goddamn it, I had to retire early and the thread was dead by the time I woke up. Is trash really that active, or are there other nefarious forces at work here?
In any case, we'll use a camouflage image for the OP. Maybe we'll get mistaken for some horse fucker thread here in the garbage can and be left alone, right?
No one really cares about the OP anyways, but what evil forces do we expect for the next season? Was it really just racism after all? Is there any chance of Globgor actually being evil? Or perhaps a new challenger shall appear??
>Deliveries from last thread
>Sab having a bad time on New Years.
Poor girl really deserves her knight in shining armor.
>Pandoras box was opened
What have we done anons? It's all ogre now.
>The Booru:
Tag shit. It's relaxing, you can discover new images sometimes, and it helps out everyone!
But try to be smart about it, plz?
All episodes that have aired can be downloaded from the links below:
>Season 1 and 2
>Season 3
previous thread