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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 51

/nah/ Not A Happening Thread

No.67306084 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Welcome to /nah/ Not a Happening Thread:
Caffeine addiction edition

>What is /nah/?
This thread meant to give a place for /nah/ posters to vent out their autism while keeping The Happenings Thread for happenings. Think of it like /b/ mixed with /qa/ but with a /trash/ spin thrown into the mix

>What is allowed on /nah/?
Gossip, board culture conversations, personal complaints/reports, blogposts and avatarfags that don't belong on the other thread, are more than welcome here. Drink your fill, you thirsty fellas!

If you are looking for happenings, or insights about site/board meta as a whole please go to the current happening thread:

>Important links
Voting results for mutual independence:

Yoga Tips

Various images of funny and happy cats to put a smile on your face

/nah/ User generated content such as head canons, art, and homoerotic MSPaint comics about the moderators are welcome and encouraged. This is (You)r canvas for personal autism.

>/nah/ code
1. You're free to be as annoying as you want here, this thread is for (You)
2. Try to get along, this is a shared space for every kind of poster
3. Don't break what little global rules /trash/ has. Like, seriously, imagine getting banned on /trash/, how embarrassing!
4. Keep /nah/posting on /nah/. If you find a /nah/poster outside of /nah/ kindly remind them to return to this thread.
(Come home /nah/ man, you /b/long here.)

>Thread theme:

>Previous official /nah/'s

>Previous happening thread

Why am I so jittery?
270 posts and 82 images omitted

No.67279611 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
/uh/ - Unfiction Horror general #111
Applewhite Edition
Previous Thread: >>67171745

>What is Unfiction
Unfiction is a form of storytelling that utilizes varying measures of interaction, immersion, or multimedia asserting in some way that it is not fiction and thus is presented in ways not typically used for storytelling.
This includes ARGs, Analog / Digital Horror, Chaotic Fiction, Pseudofiction, "This Game I Found", Immersive Narratives and other types of online storytelling.

Talk and discuss about new clues and videos from any projects you found or are following. Post art and lust after characters and their monsters. Discuss and brainstorm any unfiction ideas you have.
OP Feature: Longlegs
303 posts and 48 images omitted

/TLHG/ - The Loud House General - Certified Clown Edition

No.67344883 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
This general is for the discussion of official, fan-made, or look-alike TLH productions as well as original content created by Chris Savino.

>Booru: (Currently under reconstruction)

DM _the_sl0th_ for invite.

>Episodes and other official and fan content:

>New Halloween Special coming
>Halloween Special Comic
300 posts and 103 images omitted

/vore/ - vore general

No.67275347 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
dorkpred edition

Previous Thread:


Some pointers: (Nobody listens to these anyway.)
>1. Post vore
>2. Just ignore shit you don't like. If someone posts something you don't like, don't reply, just hide/filter and move on
>3. Try to keep non-vore related posting and discussion to a minimum this includes posting unnecessary reaction images and memes and such when possible (No Patrick, the bible is not vore related.)
>4. Stop arguing about dumb bullshit. Nobody here cares about your moral crusade, do you even know where we are?
>5. Don't post edgy bullshit just to try and get a rise out of people. That's fucking cringe.
>6. Artists, please do not ask for requests if you're not going to do a single one of them. It is also recommended you at least give an idea of what you're willing to draw when asking for requests. It doesn't have to be a novel even just something as simple as "I only do pokemon" or "I only do fat preds" works. This used to be common practice but for whatever reason we stopped.
>7. Please stop giving me reasons to add more of these

Qott: nevermind which kind of characters you like, which artist do you think makes vore the absolute chef's kiss best.
316 posts and 144 images omitted

/trash/ General Drawthread

No.67168092 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
General rules
- Posts that are made with the sole intent of bumping the thread are discouraged.
- PLEASE DELETE YOUR BUMPS. If you don't know how then please look at the FAQ on 4chan.
- No arguing about the state of the thread, there's a time and place for everything but not right now, please take it somewhere else.
- No seconding. This isn't a popularity contest of who has the best requests.
- Don't respond to the spam. Just report, hide it and move on.
- Don't enable trolls with their 'counter' requests
- Don't ask for a break or to wait "weeks/months/years".
- Feel free to post anything that gets done to the booru for others to find later (like that's going to happen).
- New thread should be made after reaching the bump limit or bumped off/deleted.
- A revision of (or addition to) the rules need a general consensus. Start your discussion around a moment this thread reaches the bump limit.

The Booru:
- Feel free to post your deliveries there

For Edits and Coloring go here:

For other Drawthreads on /trash/:

Previous thread:
332 posts and 188 images omitted

/nah/ Not A Happening Thread

No.67248165 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Welcome to /nah/ Not a Happening Thread:
genwars edition

>What is /nah/?
This thread meant to give a place for /nah/ posters to vent out their autism while keeping The Happenings Thread for happenings. Think of it like /b/ mixed with /qa/ but with a /trash/ spin thrown into the mix

>What is allowed on /nah/?
Gossip, board culture conversations, personal complaints/reports, blogposts and avatarfags that don't belong on the other thread, are more than welcome here. Drink your fill, you thirsty fellas!

If you are looking for happenings, or insights about site/board meta as a whole please go to the current happening thread:

>Important links
Voting results for mutual independence:

Yoga Tips

Various images of funny and happy cats to put a smile on your face

/nah/ User generated content such as head canons, art, and homoerotic MSPaint comics about the moderators are welcome and encouraged. This is (You)r canvas for personal autism.

>/nah/ code
1. You're free to be as annoying as you want here, this thread is for (You)
2. Try to get along, this is a shared space for every kind of poster
3. Don't break what little global rules /trash/ has. Like, seriously, imagine getting banned on /trash/, how embarrassing!
4. Keep /nah/posting on /nah/. If you find a /nah/poster outside of /nah/ kindly remind them to return to this thread.
(Come home /nah/ man, you /b/long here.)

>Thread theme:

>Previous official /nah/'s

>Previous happening thread

generation 8 and 5 suck
201 posts and 90 images omitted

/acrg/ Artist/Commissioner Rant General

No.67230096 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
/acrg/ Artist/Commissioner Rant General #763

Fetish Edition

Remember to SCREENCAP your links so we can laugh when they delete their posts.

Talk about artists or commissioners, mostly the bad ones or those who got under your skin. Share your experiences and get angry with us.

For all artists (and commissioners who are close friends with artists) here, beware of: Horu, Pixxy, OkiOppai, Timedwatcher, AnythingGoes, Skitterleaf, kathielnotfound (Jocelyn Jones), and Snoopcrow/jbunny/j6un9 (jbunny).
They will exploit and/or scam you should they get the chance.

Previous rage:
312 posts and 73 images omitted

No.18448984 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
447 posts and 90 images omitted

/nah/ Not A Happening Thread

No.67104704 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Welcome to /nah/ Not a Happening Thread:
Glaceon edition

>What is /nah/?
This thread meant to give a place for /nah/ posters to vent out their autism while keeping The Happenings Thread for happenings. Think of it like /b/ mixed with /qa/ but with a /trash/ spin thrown into the mix

>What is allowed on /nah/?
Gossip, board culture conversations, personal complaints/reports, blogposts and avatarfags that don't belong on the other thread, are more than welcome here. Drink your fill, you thirsty fellas!

If you are looking for happenings, or insights about site/board meta as a whole please go to the current happening thread:

>Important links
Voting results for mutual independence:

Yoga Tips

Various images of funny and happy cats to put a smile on your face

/nah/ User generated content such as head canons, art, and homoerotic MSPaint comics about the moderators are welcome and encouraged. This is (You)r canvas for personal autism.

>/nah/ code
1. You're free to be as annoying as you want here, this thread is for (You)
2. Try to get along, this is a shared space for every kind of poster
3. Don't break what little global rules /trash/ has. Like, seriously, imagine getting banned on /trash/, how embarrassing!
4. Keep /nah/posting on /nah/. If you find a /nah/poster outside of /nah/ kindly remind them to return to this thread.
(Come home /nah/ man, you /b/long here.)

>Thread theme:

>Previous official /nah/'s

>Previous happening thread

Sex with glaceon
309 posts and 106 images omitted

/SDBBW/ AI generated fatties #46: Fireworks and Fatties Edition

No.67146302 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
/SDBBW/ AI generated fatties #46:

Fireworks and Fatties Edition

Post any pic of AI-generated chubby, fat, stuffed, inflated, or otherwise huge characters.
All species and genders allowed, of any style or model, so long as they're big and they're AI-generated.
Please respect the site rules- no underage, illegal, spam, advertising, etc.

>Previous archived threads:

>Thread theme: Celebrate the American way with fireworks, food, and lots of fatties! From cookouts to hanging out (of everything), let's see some properly-sized queens of the USA!

If you're trying to troubleshoot/get advice for an image, PLEASE include a catbox

Consider getting the catbox extension to more easily share & see prompts of uploaded images

>Fat LORAs
> XL/Pony
> 1.5

>How do I get started with AI art?
Check out the OP of /sdg/, they've got a pretty good list of models, tutorials, and other resources. Or ask!

>Image repositories:
325 posts and 137 images omitted