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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 123

Ok Computer Remastered 2017

No.97655518 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What is the best song on this album in your opinion?
49 posts and 1 image omitted


No.97608179 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
118 posts and 8 images omitted

No.85089649 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Opinion: a lot of people on this board don't even like music. they prefer shit albums made by unknowns compared to great albums made by famous people. people completely miss the point of music. You should listen to stuff you think is good, and that you like. and that's it. good music is good music. this fucking board is full of retards who waste their time trying to create 'the perfect chart' to impress a bunch of nobodies online. I'm not gonna go on mu anymore cos it's starting to make me hate music. are you that insecure you can't just listen to music you like but instead have to try and find some shitty, weird album no one has heard of so you can feel validated on 4chan? don't let some autistic anon decide what's good or not for you.

that's just my 2 cents anway. for instance an album like Aeroplane over the Sea, I like this album. I don't know anybody irl who has actually heard of it. yet on this board it's considered 'tourist'. what fucking stupidity. it's a good album, and since I like it I'm gonna continue to listen to it. if I do go on this board again it'll only be for recommendations for something new I haven't heard of it before. fuck you if you buy into this weird loser cult or rating other peoples charts. it's all subjective retards.
81 posts and 3 images omitted

No.97534505 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Claim your favorite Taylor Swift song
26 posts and 2 images omitted

No.97450522 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Nu-Titans: plastictears, germanon, bloodie, Kishinev, classifriend

Aging Titans: AntiWarhol, brandonsyl, stilton, carbonado, pabanks, Franssel, tramburai

Fallen Titans: TheHorbgorbler, doru649, sodr1, crosshatches, sodr2, herkyjerky, exitsense, chumlum, hevykofe

Rising Stars: junusynu, velocifish, dugnad, oinopa, plexure, mihr, MagaCream, Sisu, apotos, EishunK

Missed Apotheosis Tier: picha, aciid, BAYAR, tankpit, fruitfork, jazzthreadguy, cacespace, I0000Days, prostagma, owl_jolson, Fastro, notebooks, acid_udon, miningtown

Remaining Top Users: Erickson_Dear, moltenhorror, flyingwill, hike62, anathemaddicted, jmttmnj510, Lorgnette, banjie, xolotl, carburador, tide2, 80outof1, epizootics, respirateur, tibul, armed_snobbery, fagix

UHS Tier: sp59, lad, Zizekian, Esichio, Magicsxxxxx, Verkrah, duckstab_tenthousand, cute

Wise Old Man Tier: Piezo, Euphemos, Grampus, Patricksmash, TheScientist, sluggo714

Metalhead Tier: asadv, mishanspace, toolshed00

Creamey Tier: HalfPriceBento, Pate, iloveyou, phlg, mrminio

"Cult of Mensa" Tier: nuhskinup, deathbymusic, origamierotica, bratty, Im_on_it, deangelolosangeles, Zlaksna

Actually East Asian Tier: KareA, ckcy, shj990512, HaruyaIshizuka, ParkFish, TheVince, kaxk, purplerain, skytothelimit

Neo-RYM Tier: Selenaru_Negrea, insectdilemma, blebbio, homicide, poiret, AnimeHeck, MichaelKeating, doctor_frosty, MatuX20, brihgt, taconelli, deathmaumau, XerTeX, caviarrr, AutoBlood, blessings

Fuck You Tier: Mao007, Electriclizard, ThisNameWasStolen, pinokiwo, portraits, Vito_James, hamtrax, debtinjune, myspaceisflat, greenway, TheCrystalBird, gay_, Decibelle, Sal, TriplePositive, aeroslut, Hotel_Trivago, Jangle_Bojangle, Mercenarion, PyramidPostcard, yoozy_cutie, mookid, AlRog, TriplePositive, TriplePositive again, the opressive tyrannical tranny community, MeltedFire, GonzoLewd


No.96904756 View ViewReplyOriginalReport


No.95630763 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What is it with all the RYM pseuds enjoying “qUiRKy” avant-garde 20th century classical, but not enjoying any classical music before 1920? before thatIt always seems to be the same artists too. Xenakis, Feldman, Scelsi, Steve Reich and Stockhausen, as good as he is.
23 posts and 3 images omitted

No.2 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Who /goth/ here?
57 posts and 13 images omitted

No.97342933 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What’s the coolest band name in your opinion?
93 posts and 6 images omitted

No.97257570 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
pewdiepie is a confirmed drainer
60 posts and 9 images omitted