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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 124

No.97239581 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
STAGE 1 - (A+B)
Here we experience the first signs of memory loss.
This stage is most like a beautiful daydream.
The glory of old age and recollection.
The last of the great days.

STAGE 2 - (C+D)
The second stage is the self realisation and awareness that something is wrong with a refusal to accept that. More effort is made to remember so memories can be more long form with a little more deterioration in quality. The overall personal mood is generally lower than the first stage and at a point before confusion starts setting in.

STAGE 3 - (E+F)
Here we are presented with some of the last coherent memories before confusion fully rolls in and the grey mists form and fade away. Finest moments have been remembered, the musical flow in places is more confused and tangled. As we progress some singular memories become more disturbed, isolated, broken and distant. These are the last embers of awareness before we enter the post awareness stages.

STAGE 4 - (G+H+I+J)
Post-Awareness Stage 4 is where serenity and the ability to recall singular memories gives way to confusions and horror. It's the beginning of an eventual process where all memories begin to become more fluid through entanglements, repetition and rupture.

STAGE 5 - (K+L+M+N)
Post-Awareness Stage 5 confusions and horror.
More extreme entanglements, repetition and rupture can give way to
calmer moments. The unfamiliar may sound and feel familiar.
Time is often spent only in the moment leading to isolation.

STAGE 6 - (O+P+Q+R)
Post-Awareness Stage 6 Is without description.

No.95869482 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Where can I find STEMS of music? I was able to dig up the Rock Band STEM archive google drive at one point as I remember reading that's how Neil C got the stems for what he used but that's been taken down.

Soundcloud Midnight

No.97166386 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
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No.97050811 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
she mooOOOooves with a puuurpose
31 posts and 5 images omitted

femanon here

No.97047759 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
first imperssion of this board: yikes.
7 posts and 1 image omitted

No.96922200 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What music does he listen to?
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No.94889710 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I cringe whenever I see you post a generic EDM here
I've had enough of Aphex Twin, BoC, Tim Hecker, Jamie XX, Arca, SOPHIE, deathsdynamicshroud.wmv, Autechre, Lone, Burial, Moodymann, Luomo, Deepchord, Monolake, Underworld, Against All Logic, Nicolas Jaar, Jon Hopkins, Flying Lotus, Andy Stott, Iglooghost, Four Tet,
The Field, Skee Mask,
Kiasmos, John Talabot, Machine Girl, Sewerslvt, DJ Seinfeld, 1000 Gecs, James Blake, Machinedrum, Kelly Lee Owens, SHXCXCHCXSH,
Lone, DJ Koze, Shlohmo, Shinichiro Yokota,
Rival Consoles, Oneohtrix Point Never, Leonvyne Hall

How about you simple fucks start exploring the genre instead of pretending to know shit by barelyt touching the surface?

No.96619351 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Lurker here, was MSI based or not? I listened to them on and off when I was younger. Stupid MF and Clarissa were great.
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No.96897670 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Fucking hopped up like Dennis Hopper on speed
I'm gonna smoke your ass like Cheech and Chong smokes weed
My cum's so chunky it's like an Oreo McFlurry
I'm gonna fuck your face 'til your eyes get blurry
4 posts omitted

No.96898997 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
*fires a bandmate because of differences in political views*
60 posts and 18 images omitted