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Planned network provider replacement will occur with downtime the entire day of 2/16 or 2/17.
Guys, I'm starting to think Avey browses /mu/. He instagrammed the "This isn't even my final form" Deakin picture, and then his girlfriend, Angel Deradoorian, recently 'grammed the picture of that guy with all the stuff coming out of his face. What does this mean for us?
>Bengalfuel dude finally offs himself >As soon as that happens we get the whole crushed trap discord tranny zoomer retards with their awful meme music, that guy with the fucking egg album, the fucking retard with the mustache and his shitty YouTube channel and band, and the incel chink with his fucking shitty """punk""" It never fucking ends. With one shill that finally fucks off we get ten more. Are the jannies fucking blind or something?
anyone got any music-related travel stories? I'll start: >was in Manchester a couple years ago on a business trip >had the morning off one day, so went for a walk along the river >see a couple of dreary-looking guys there running a popsicle stand (except they called them "lollies" or something British like that) >they're each dressed in all black, one of them is smoking >fuck it, I want a popsicle >there's a whiteboard outside that has a list of all the flavors, but some of them look like they're crossed out >it's hard to read, probably washed off when it was raining earlier >cherry sounds good, but can't tell if it's supposed to be crossed out >walk up to the counter >they don't really acknowledge me, they're too busy drumming out polyrhythms with their fingers >couldn't even tell what time signature it was in >I ask them, "hey, you're not outta cherry, are you?" >they stop drumming, look at each other, and sigh >one of them speaks up >"oi mate, it's pronounced Autechre" >mfw
I've been listening to a lot of China Crisis, Blue Nile and AIR recently. Anyone know of any other really soft and comfy pop albums in that style I could check out?
Hi guys, can somebody help me out? This is for the Rap fans.
There is a K-Rino song in which he raps contradictions (ei. I will murder you peacefully). I've looked for it, but since he has so many songs and albums, I've been unable to find it.
Is there anybody that can help me find the name of the song?
I'm trying to make a 5x5 of primarily red album art. Can /mu/ help me out? I have 9 so far including
Fugazi- 13 Songs Aphrodite's Child- 666 Run The Jewels- RTJ2 Bjork- Volta The Chemical Brothers- Come with us Talking Heads- Talking Heads:77 Kanye West- MBDTF Queens of the Stone Age- Songs for the Deaf Gang of Four- Entertainment and I'm debating on if The White Stripes- Elephant is red enough