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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 135

No.71653350 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
how does /mu/ feel about him? i love that "cute" song but is the rest of his stuff sound like that?
10 posts omitted

No.46795604 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
one of these threads
235 posts and 88 images omitted

ITT: Fake albums

No.48552287 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>Kanye West - The Second Coming (2014)
>Industrial hip hop, noise hip hop, punk hip hop, experimental hip hop

>1. Burning Crosses (feat. Justin Vernon)
>2. Malicious (feat. Pusha T)
>3. I Am Not Here (feat. MC Ride)
>4. Like Pigs to the Slaughter
>5. Hate Speech (feat. Jay-Z)
>6. Killing Fields
>7. Death From Above
>8. Terror (feat. Kendrick Lamar)
>9. Werewolf (feat. Childish Gambino)
>10. The Evil and Wretched
>11. For the Soul (feat. Drake)
>12. Anguish and Torment
>13. Hopeless
>14. Dark Visions (feat. Frank Ocean)
>15. God is Dead (feat. Northwest)
304 posts and 68 images omitted

No.71645569 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is this not as critically acclaimed as it used to be? I remember in the early 2000s pretty much everyone considered it the best album ever made (thanks to the Rolling Stones list) but now people look towards other Beatles albums as their best.
4 posts omitted

No.47639637 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
IDM General? Share and recommend
111 posts and 14 images omitted

/prod/ - Music Production General

No.71594058 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>Give and receive feedback/discuss production topics

>Production Resources:
>Pastebin - Links, books, videos, articles, tutorials and stuff (embed)

>/prod/ wiki - still looking for contributors

/prod/ IRC is up!
To join, you can go to
Choose a nick, put #/prod/ as channel. Enter!
Or you can get a lightweight desktop client here

Remember to use to post your tracks/WIP: posting a is just providing sound for a question, posting a Soundcloud link is making self-advertisement and the thread doesn't need that.
311 posts and 23 images omitted


No.71530295 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
64 posts and 51 images omitted

No.71586992 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
need a fresh sc

post r8 be a m8 dont h8
79 posts and 61 images omitted

No.71577644 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
can someone recommend me some really dark hiphop?
19 posts and 2 images omitted

RYM / Sonemic General

No.66461357 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
found one of those threads, there are many more

my post about chum at the bottom

(i tend to document everything)
332 posts and 33 images omitted