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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 139

No.71142297 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
You live in hiding
You're climbing the walls, no privacy
I'm trying to survive but I'm dying; die with me
Blow out the lights, take your life
Ride the falling sky with me
Falling inside of me
It's all suicide to me

No.70628933 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
what is some essential weird-uncle-who-is-also-a-cool-uncle rock?
2 posts omitted

No.71100501 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
how do you guys tag japanese/chinese music? do you use moonrunes or regular letters?

Modern bands or artists like this

No.71099531 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is there anything current that has this rock opera sound to it. I really like the baroque nature of the musical structure of this stuff and am curious if there's still artists creating it

No.71058756 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

No.71031600 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Let's have a thread for the #1 Handsome Man
27 posts and 4 images omitted

No.71038409 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Somewhere in the desert there's a forest
>and a nigger before us, what the FUCK did he mean by this?


No.71011062 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
- Include correct format (artist / band, title of release, year of release, cover art, the file type (v0, 320 mp3, FLAC, etc), short description, YouTube sample, link)
- Send thanks if you have downloaded something to let them know they did a good thing
- Avoid sharing / requesting things that are already on the archive
- Soulseek / rutracker are your friends, too - just don't argue in this thread about it
- No samples on YouTube, Soundcloud? Drag'n'drop any mp3 on

>I have a request! Did I...
- Check the archive for a live link before requesting?
- Share something first?
- Google "blogspot + artist name + album name"

>"I don't know how to find what I'm looking for in the archive"
- Go here: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
- When searching, limit your search to links only, like so: "desired album mega|zippyshare|mediafire"
- Make sure you've typed "zippyshare" and not "zippy", or else Zippyshare links will not be found.

- Deezloader!z1tG2Q6I!VOS4wDBvIwt4YcBVs24yFw
Extract the archive & open "start.bat" to rip albums available @ at 320kbps. Tutorial:

- Soulseek (P2P)

Babayfather - 419 (2016)!CQtSXCpK!vBOJ3CWFjf9auF6E_F1xnG6TvpDkMkZ15zAWTbGYCX8
291 posts and 118 images omitted