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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 141

No.55116195 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>band has two drummers
23 posts and 10 images omitted

No.70900325 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Best math rock record?
58 posts and 21 images omitted

You know this is the greatest album ever right?

No.70894872 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Oh wait your attention span doesn't go beyond 3-minute songs with singers. I forgot.
1 post omitted

New day new freaking SoundCloud thread

No.70882953 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
New day and a new sound cloud thread cause why not post y'all links check out eachother music and my music I'll return the favor
88 posts and 65 images omitted

No.70871817 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
/mu/ would love this album if it wouldn't have daddy issues lyrics, you know it's true
7 posts omitted


No.70862188 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Recommend me some jazz. Any jazz is fine.
Also general jazz thread.
20 posts and 3 images omitted

/relax/ - Relaxation General

!1haVrfsySk No.62271590 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Been looking at some new ideas for a general and I thought this would be an alright idea.

This is essentially a Sharethread, but instead of it being a general sharethread, it'd be limited to music that's easy to just put on and calm down too, perhaps after a rough day or what not.

Sharethreads often become much too crowded, and I'm sure someone out there agrees that the bombardment of information and different styles of music becomes overwhelming at some points. This is just to remedy that, in a way.

I'll start.

Submotion Orchestra - Colour Theory (2015)
>Electronic, pop, female vocalist
>Bit of ambiance as well due to the reverb and the effects
>Submotion Orchestra is a large group of electronic producers banding together to back the music behind one vocalist. The music is overall highly soothing but they have some pretty nice bangers as well. Nothing loud or overbearing though.!I5oCmDLD!9NKQefB2FFmiK23C8s_-IBExCKLRlf-_hcdScYSryFE


Wet - Don't You (2016)
>Minimal pop music, sounds like you're pretty much underwater or in a really minimal apartment with nothing but your thoughts and a pretty sweet view
>Wet is a synthpop/R&B indie trio and this is their debut. Not much on them, but this is absolutely beautiful. The vocalists enunciation of words is pretty nice too. Think of an even more stripped back Chvrches.!ctZUlQSb!K0i5rdnCNsqKYP5z5mlHmmjNjGagM4MFWMT6Fwe5Vu4


Errors - Lease Of Life
>Absolutely blissful synthpop/synthwave music, sometimes with a male/female vocalist in their tracks, but for the most part instrumental. Definitely recommended if you're looking for something to work to or fall asleep.
>Although their performances are reportedly really bad, they're still a super cool pop group in the studio. Give it a shot.!tthxAACQ!YjnmdFAxt22c5ZFmVjQhwb3ae48DRamcu-8MBSXu-Rk

12 posts and 7 images omitted

Where can I listen to this?

No.70833611 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Need your help /mu/, where can I listen to this? I can't find it anywhere.