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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 143

Vaporwave and Chill.

No.70713205 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
My name is Zararus, and i'm a Vaporwave Artist, i upload weekly and am trying to get noticed. The Samples i use are clean and good, and i'd like some feedback on how i sound to other people. also, Bump this thread with some chill Vaporwave, Thanks!
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No.70645102 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Recommend me some good music or else
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No.70712595 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What song do you hold close to your heart /mu/
I remember watching this movie with my dad when i was a kid and everytime we sang along. It was the last thing we watched together before he died.
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No.70703713 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why doesn't anyone discuss this group?
Just found them on spotify and wow.

Dare I say, this is, /ourgroup/ ?
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No.70687904 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I have a prediction about Justin Bieber.

I believe that within fifteen years he will be a good and well-respected musician. As a kid he was a apparently a prodigy and knew multiple instruments. He's also been working in music for years now, and even if the results haven't been good so far, he is continuing to get practice. His recent work is already a whole hell of a lot better than his early stuff.

Once his career is over, and he's well-remebered and respectable, people who think they were born in le wrong generation will start to defend his early work too, even though it really is trash. IOW, he's on track to be the next Beatles.


No.70641969 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How can I come to terms with liking Michael Gira's music while not condoning his repulsive acts of sexual battery against a defenseless woman?
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No.70580014 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
good albums ruined by one shitty out-of-place instrument

who the fuck thought putting some spic guitar in this album was a good idea?
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No.70571791 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Post track you're currently obsessed with.

No.70541611 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
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No.41639018 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
ITT: Musicians with Right Wing/Conservative Views

>In April 2009, Tucker gave a brief man-in-the-street-style interview at a Tea Party rally in Tifton, Georgia, to a WALB NBC news crew;[7][9] during the interview, she voiced support for the Tea Party movement, and said she was "furious about the way we're being led towards socialism."[7] In October 2010, British newspaper The Guardian discovered a personal page for a Maureen Tucker on The Tea Party Patriots official website, wherein it was stated, "I have come to believe (not just wonder) that Obama's plan is to destroy America from within." The page goes on to encourage readers to send the White House "a letter/postcard" addressed to "King Obama."[7]
Tucker expanded on her political views later to the Riverfront Times, saying: "To be honest, I never paid attention to what the hell was going on. My always voting Democrat was the result of that. My philosophy was and is all politicians are liars, bums and cheats."[8] In the interview, she remained adamant about the need to change the Obama administration.
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