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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 145

No.70396032 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is Ableton Live Intro worth getting?

I'm getting my first midi controller (Akai MPK Mini) and I tried loading up some VSTs in Logic Pro X (which I 'downloaded') but apparently you can't use them on Logic Pro anymore, which is a shame

I don't mind the fact i'll get less effects/instruments, as i'll probably be using mostly if not entirely VSTs anyway, and I much prefer Ableton's workflow

No.70358678 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>he buys physical music instead of streaming
What a waste of time and money

Digital music is so much more convenient that I can only question the intelligence of people who can't move past their whole materialistic mentality of "wahhh I need to hold something physicial wahhhh I'm fucking retarded blahfdhf"
Comsumerism was a mistake and you all fell for the meme. Even worse are the people who buy into shit like "special editions" or "a brand new remaster of a 40 year old album". Most remasters are shit that companies only put out to make more money by deceiving morons into buying their albums all over again. This greed from the industry only serves to dilute the purity of the music itself. YOU are the problem here and you enable them. YOU make music worse for me. Please do everyone a favor and start using spotify or something. You know that you can stream at 320kbps now right? The human ear is literally unable to tell the difference between a good quality mp3 and cd audio. Don't tell me that YOU are special and that YOU can, that's just the placebo effect which you don't realize because deep down YOU want to find some reason to fuel your capitalistic desire for physical media. There's no reason for cds to even exist anymore. No reason at all. Now I beg you to please join the rest of modern society in 2017 and drop your outdated materialism of this banal physical medium.

Now that that's all said, I won't even get started on hipsters and their vinyl warmth meme. They are too far gone and not even worth my time. Bam, that's it, I'm done.
63 posts and 11 images omitted

Bandcamp Thread

No.70340727 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Share your music. Discuss other ways of sharing music. Have fun!
136 posts and 64 images omitted

No.70348170 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is there a name for artists/bands/genres that fuse melody and screaming? Stuff like rise against and slipknot and stuff like that?
5 posts and 1 image omitted

No.70345949 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Are they breaking up soon?
8 posts and 1 image omitted

No.70323766 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Lads, what fender is this?
11 posts omitted

No.70147602 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
1 post omitted

Why are so many beaners into rockabilly and psychobilly?

No.70248464 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
It's disconcerting. Imagining being like-minded with spics may very well keep me from getting into this genre of music.
6 posts omitted

RYM / Sonemic General

No.69862774 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Liu YiJiang Edition
232 posts and 31 images omitted