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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 154

No.69474012 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Wtf went wrong post 2010?
29 posts and 2 images omitted

No.69473091 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hi, /mu/. I have a problem that's not directly related to music, but I don't think /r9k/ or /adv/ know enough about music to help me out.

I know that this is going to sound incredibly autistic, but I cannot function in social settings unless I imagine myself as a musician. No, I don't go around saying "IT GOES IT GOES IT GOES!" or move like an absolute madman or anything. I just feel myself with the overall demeanor of a musician. I can pass off as a normie well with this.

I choose musicians that already compliment my personality. My main 3 are MC Ride (When I'm feeling quiet but confident), Steve Albini (When I'm feeling a bit smug/cocky) and Varg Vikernes (When I'm feeling a bit edgy). I also have a rotating list of musicians that I can use. I've done Merzbow, Yamatsuka Eye, Grimes, John Zorn, MF Doom, Micheal Gira, the list goes on...

But my problem is, I have a Christmas party with my co-workers tonight, and I'm not sure which musician I should be. I want to be a bit more outgoing and talkative than usual, but not TOO much. I had a bad experience with Steve Albini this spring, when I got a bit TOO confident, so I don't want to use him. I'd like to try a 90's musician, but I'm not sure which once. I like Buzz Osborne, but I feel like he would make me come across as an autist. I was actually thinking about Kurt Cobain, but him being dead hurts him a bit.

Do you guys have any ideas for a musician that would be sociable and confident, but not too much so?

No.69465367 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
is she a god-tier mum artist?
2 posts omitted

No.69452262 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So the 2010's are gonna be the first decade that the most acclaimed album is a rap album. Interesting.
17 posts omitted

No.69216837 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
OPN just released an "Official master tape cassette rip" of eccojams on his store

Will it sound much better? Will someone dare to take the plunge and put it on mega for all of us?
198 posts and 20 images omitted


No.69424999 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>last one died edition

I have come to realize that I enjoy making dystopian music

Give feedback, recs, tell each other off, fuck you anon!
51 posts and 44 images omitted

No.69417104 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What went wrong ?
21 posts and 1 image omitted

No.69392402 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
- Include correct format (artist / band, title of release, year of release, cover art, the file type (v0, 320 mp3, FLAC, etc), short description, YouTube sample, link)
- Send thanks if you have downloaded something to let them know they did a good thing
- Avoid sharing / requesting things that are already on the archive
- Soulseek / rutracker are your friends, too - just don't argue in this thread about it
- No samples on YouTube, Soundcloud? Drag'n'drop any mp3 on

>I have a request! Did I...
- Check the archive for a live link before requesting?
- Share something first?
- Google "blogspot + artist name + album name"?

>"I don't know how to find what I'm looking for in the archive"
- Go here: >>>
- When searching, limit your search to links only, like so: "desired album mega|zippyshare|mediafire|slacktunes"
- Make sure you've typed "zippyshare" and not "zippy", or else Zippyshare links will not be found.


- Deezloader (Windows only) -!JFQyDLjL!HJsjSyo_RNpwcj3ffHKI6ve2j-WXdD1NtMD3ieS-iZg
Extract the archive & open "start.bat" to rip albums available @ at 320kbps. Tutorial:
- Soulseek (P2P) -
Download from other people's music libraries, and share your own to the big wide world



Bryan Scary & The Shredding Tears - Flight of the Knife
>power pop, indie rock, prog rock


57 posts and 21 images omitted

5x5 week thread

No.69406621 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
rate, love, hate
41 posts and 19 images omitted