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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 156
Why do people treat this sudointellectual like he's the second coming of Christ?
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>>69321146 >sudo good one OP
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>>69321146 >sudointellectual anon is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.
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The fact that so many books still name Kendrick Lamar as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" rapper ever only tells you how far hip hop music still is from becoming a serious art. Jazz critics have long recognized that the greatest jazz musicians of all times are Duke Ellington and John Coltrane, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Classical critics rank the highly controversial Beethoven over classical musicians who were highly popular in courts around Europe. Hip hop critics are still blinded by commercial success. Kendrick Lamar has sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore he must be the greatest. Jazz critics grow up listening to a lot of jazz music of the past, classical critics grow up listening to a lot of classical music of the past. Hip hop critics are often totally ignorant of the hip hop music of the past, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think that Kendrick Lamar has done anything worthy of being saved.
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>>69321179 Christ anon you almost gave me a heart attack
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the birth of a epci meme
That was quite an experience... It felt like it went on for 5 hours...
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>>69311338 cmon michael stop it
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>>69311301 Really causes my neural cells to depolarize by opening gated channels in the membrane and passively diffusing potassium ions out of the cytoplasm down its concentration gradient leading to a sequence of action potentials to stimulate in accord with long term potentiation pathways developed through the release of seratonin at key moments of sensory input.
After listening to Remain in Light, Graceland, and one Fela Kuti song, I can honestly say I don't see the appeal to African music.
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>>69301026 Try to hang yourself.
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>>69301153 >After listening to Remain in Light... Anonymous
Did you try Vampire Weekend?
>>69301516 vampire weekend have african influences? what albums/songs?
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>>69302397 literally everything
Anime Devil-Sama !!bKxjD2NXGeh
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"This went to shit in day 1" Edition
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>>43305429 No ratio (as of now, although there might be a low one in the future), and the rules mostly seem to be "properly tag things, don't upload transcodes." Nothing else is really enforced.
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>>43305346 This post is annoying.
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>>43305346 >said the NIN fan Anonymous
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FYAD -> /b/ -> mutracker chat this is the dawning of a new age
Jacob Huttoad
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Last one died, so here's a new thread. Rec, review, and support these amazing artists.
Quoted By: >big rock music, concept album, tons of little musical themes errywhere oh my god somebody actually bought my album earlier today, I'm seriously like ec-static
Been trying to find some sort of local musicians to play with, but there's not even any like venues for bands here, where do you people usually go to find musicians?
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new ep/album/whatever >electronic, ambient(?), experimental, weird shit Anonymous
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>>69280544 thanks man, yeah the next thing I'm gonna do is going to try and be as accessible but a little less disposable, i can see why just focusing on catchiness would get boring after a while no matter how 'fun' it is
Be honest and accept plebbyness into your heart edition >Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti >Jesus and Mary Chain >My Bloody Valentine >Suicide >Soko >Public Image Ltd
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top ten from for even more crippling clarity
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MF DOOM Kendrick Lamar Gorillaz Alabama Shakes Frank Zappa J.Cole
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Bob Dylan Radiohead Neil Young Leonard Cohen David Bowie Bruce Springsteen
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Radiohead Kanye West Arctic monkeys Muse Pink floyd Iron maiden
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>>69231549 >King Crimson >Ween >Starfucker >The Beach Boys >Eels >Kayo Dot
ITT: essential love songs pic very much related
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Gotcha covered anon. If you want more I'd be happy to assist. My parents had me grow up on soul and R&B I got this Personal favorites of Luther Vandross: Never Too Much So Amazing Stop To Love Give Me the Reason If Only For One Night Personal favorites of Stevie Wonder: All I Do Do I Do Love Light In Flight My Cherie Amour Knocks Me Off My Feet Michael Jackson - Baby Be Mine Prince - I Wanna Be Your Lover Common - The Light Aaliyah - One In A Million Tony, Toni, Tone - Feels Good Sade - Your Love Is King Andre 3000 - Prototype (Or She Lives In My Lap. Both great tracks about love for a different type of mood) Justin Timberlake feat. Beyonce (There's a version without her if you ain't into her) - Until the End of Time John Legend - Ordinary People Al Green - Let's Stay Together Janet Jackson - When I Think Of You
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And cause hood niggas need love too: ScHoolboy Q - Fantasy Tupac - All About U Method Man feat. Mary J. Bilge - All I Need ASAP Rocky feat. MIA & Future - Fine Whine Future feat. Kanye West - I Won Robb Banks - All The Way Live (Or Scrub The Ground. Same case with the Andre 3000 choices) Kendrick Lamar - She Needs Me Kanye West - White Dress Young Gunz - No Better Love There's a lot of leaving off from both lists. Like I said I grew up on this kinda stuff. I'd be here all night if I was listing them off. As you saw I didn't have any Teddy Pendergrass, Marvin Gaye, or Isley Brothers to name a few. Trust me I know.
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>>69048109 Lenny Williams - Cause I Love You
The only love song.
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GOAT Video Game soundtracks?
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the oblivion OST is incredible
but this deserves to be posted Anonymous
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Inb4 Hotline Miami
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Jet set radio series Hotline miami 1 & 2 FEZ Megaman X Donkey Kong Country F-Zero Shovel knight (and all of jake "virt" kaufman stuff) Binding of isaac series SSSUUUUUUUPPERR MEATBOY Smash bros series Undertale Minecraft Final fantasy series (personal favorite is ff6) Jeremy soul work (the elder scrolls and some harry potter game) Titan soul Secret of mana (seiken densetsu 2) Personna 3
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this a damn good list
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Where can i download all the Beatles albums?
Just buy physical copies. No harm in spending a bit of cash when it comes to the best body of work in music history.
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in youre mother !
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Better to try to find them on vinyl than to download digital remasters off the internet. Bonus points for finding the mono versions of their albums.
Avant-Math God of /mu/ !!cNj5AVFpGe6
Don't listen to the Beatles on the first place.
>>69253564 >spending money on people who don't need it You are everything wrong with this world.
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>>69255031 Go to bed Scaruffi!
sex !XDijustwow
Going to attemp suicide in front on this girl tomorrow to make her feel BAD. Music to get real HYPE?
>>68573354 This dude clearly has something wrong with him and he said he was on depression meds. I doubt someone this nervous would have the balls to buy pills off the street
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>>68575779 >>fell for her, started to develop obsessions + manic/depressive traits and shit jesus christ can you read
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>>68570961 This. I fell victim to this same unrealistic idealization bullshit when I was 15 (though I wasn't a psychopath who wanted to kill people thankfully). Watch 500 Days of Summer, OP
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Keeping this thread alive here's some music op Anonymous