>ambient, neo-psych, tribal ambient, bedroom folkFirst thing I've done with a synth that I'm proud of. The first part is a b-side intro t of the neo-psych thing i'm doing, which is itself partly ambient, like the track on this>psych folk (at points), bedroom folk, cozy>listen to it on walks through the autumn woodsI've been promising more music for a while, but I've got a case of "start but never finish" if you know what I'm saying
But now, I've got a band, and we're working on a dreamy psych/free-ish folk thing, we're in the midst of some songwriting session
And I'm also working on a solo, which is kind of just stuff that I had laying around, but also new stuff. It's gonna be three parts. First part folk, second part drone/ambient pop with revrbed out vocals and guitars, third part neo-psych/psych pop. The psych pop part is the one I'm most ambitious about. It's pretty much what imagine the traditional music of aliens to sound like, and I'm using everything I've learned in my traditional drum ensemble (the only drum on it is a djembe), and that I've learned through using my synth. Lets just hope I finish it
>>68930682Not bad, I like the percussion and layered vocals on Purpose. Pretty cool
>>68930607Nice voice, there's power behind it. I liked the synth solo at ~2 minutes