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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 168

No.62920503 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What exactly makes Green Day not "true punk"?
2 posts omitted

Yndi Halda

No.62913339 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So new Yndi Halda album just leaked. Was it worth the wait?
9 posts omitted

/mu/ humor thread

No.62821431 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
154 posts and 69 images omitted

No.62835501 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

New King Gizzard incoming
2 posts omitted

Modest Mouse Thread

No.62905273 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
5 posts omitted

No.62894012 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is she the embodiment of perfection?

No.62890614 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
it's been 6 years today /mu/
how do you feel?
18 posts and 2 images omitted

!!gDYZXg02vsZ No.62871316 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I'm listening to this OST for the first time since it got rated very highly in RYM.

For something that got so highly rated, it's not that spectacular, in my opinion. i've heard many game soundtracks that are better than this
116 posts and 16 images omitted


!SX7s/86lC6 No.61846160 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Previous thread >>61810860

When posting an album, make sure to post the FULL LINK for it (if you're posting a link from MEGA, THIS INCLUDES THE DECRYPTION KEY TOO) along with a sample of the album from YouTube (or just upload a track to if there's nothing on YouTube), album art, as well as the name of the artist and album. This makes it easier for people to find these albums in the archive after the thread has 404'd.

Feel free to request, but make sure to be polite and post something before requesting (preferably something not already in the archive). This is a share thread, after all, emphasis on share.

If you're looking for an album, check the archive ( before posting or requesting something, it might already be available. Type in the band name, the album name, as well as the word MEGA or ZIPPY and it might show up.

My share:

Minor Threat - Complete Discography (1989)
>hxc punk, goat


331 posts and 116 images omitted

No.62864007 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Trout Mask Replica
>I find it impossible to give this record an A because it is just too weird. But I'd like to. Very great played at high volume when you're feeling shitty, because you'll never feel as shitty as this record. B+

Why Christgau is such a faggot in comparission with Pierthony Scaruffthano?
30 posts and 3 images omitted