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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 36

No.121997751 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why Black men on average are so much better than white boys?
Both artistically and physically.

You just can't fuck wit 50 Cent and D'angelo
40 posts and 19 images omitted


No.121989919 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
314 posts and 121 images omitted

No.53028012 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
ITT: We make a spotify playlist of about 100 songs for moot as a parting gift. I'll send him the link when it's done, post suggestions.
320 posts and 21 images omitted


No.100683007 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
RIP Alexi Laiho, dead at 41
Singer/guitarist of Children of Bodom
1204 posts and 160 images omitted

No.121869496 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
This is Vinnie Paz, a sicilian muslim convert who makes rap songs about jews, vaccines, and government lies

No.60678820 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>this is what the average female /mu/tant looks like
277 posts and 31 images omitted

No.70423156 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Unsettling/creepy/terrifying albums?
221 posts and 70 images omitted

Zenjin - Pseudoscorpion

No.91259312 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
/x/fag here.

So some of you might remember a small buzz a few years ago in the obscure music/mystery communities of 4chan and Reddit about an album called Pseudoscorpion, by the mysterious and unknown "Zenjin." I discovered the mystery in the comments section of a Youtube video related to Peter Scully, notorious child predator who made various snuff films and other illegal content. The album supposedly contains audio samples from his videos and other deep web shit, but I haven't found much information regarding it besides a few archived threads here, where some say it's an urban legend. But I decided to look into the mystery again today and found a fairly recent Reddit thread where a user named u/HereIsAnAlbum posted a mediafire link to what he says is the real deal.

My normie ass isn't touching the guy's link with a 10 foot pole, but if any of you brave souls want to confirm it's real shit, feel free to reply.
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Panchiko - D>E>A>T>H>M>E>T>A>L

No.66571671 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
hey hey

I picked this up because it looked interesting:

I wasn't able to find any references to it, online, whatsoever. even with super obscure bands, you might expect to find some an old myspace page or mention in some forum.

does anybody recognise the album?

I half expected it to be noise pop or some vapourwave wankery. listening to it, now, track 1 is like hella lo fi shoegaze with noise panning back and forth.

this isn't some viral marketing bullshit. I'm just curious if anyone can shed some light on it and I'm slightly excited by the prospect of owning a rare album

112 posts and 16 images omitted

No.121808996 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
34 posts and 2 images omitted