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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 53

No.119001290 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
what do females of /mu/ listen to?
147 posts and 18 images omitted

No.118963384 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>I think this is the best album we've ever done
>album sucks dog dick

Every. Time.

Why are musicians so full of it?
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No.118836734 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
11 posts and 1 image omitted

All music has been done and every topic on this board is irrelevant.

No.118920620 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Melodic rap is past its prime and nothing ever came to replace it. The best stuff that exists is basically just taking older styles with slightly bolder updates (Yves Tumor's "Praise..."; Lil' Yachty's "Poland"; Yeat's sound [which is already dated]) and even these are very limited in how long you can listen to them.

All the other stuff people hype, especially all these irrelevant topics you all talk about, are so pastiche and outdated it would genuinely be better if the board was deleted.

The number one singles of the country has regressed back to non-melodic rap and legacy-artist-based singles (Drake; Taylor) and new industry plants (Olivia -- plant in the sense that she is completely propped up by money rather than talent until the emperor's lack of clothes is forgotten.)

The benefit is that if you as a musician actually have an idea now no one can tell you anything is wrong with it because literally what is the alternative? All your idols are baseless. All your genres are played out. All the biggest acts are lesser versions of long-dead greats.

No, we're basically in the 'clean-up' phase where we just kinda fill out archival discogs and cap-off contemporary pop star catalogs.

This board is dead in ways I can't even imagine. Pitchfork doesn't even know what to talk about anymore. It's all regression.

The best thing you can do is listen to music that's already been released and re-discover how much there is you've yet to here. The future is in the past. All this new stuff is so played out.

I cannot tell you the level of confidence in which I know I am right. You know it too, as you waddle around this empty wasteland of nothingness. It's only generation alpha and younger zoomers who've yet to mature that are still convinced there is ANYTHING left to be found, but this is largely because they literally are new to music and don't realize what they hype's been done... better. And a billion times over.

I have the solution though. In years, wait....
14 posts and 1 image omitted


No.114215650 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
336 posts and 88 images omitted

Cringy /mu/ memories

No.59975202 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What are some cringy memories you have involving music, /mu/?
Here's mine
>be me in the 3rd grade
>my brother was really into eminem
>i didn't care too much for it
>my english teacher tells us all the time how much she likes eminem (she was in her 20s)
>i was always like "yeah, I like eminem too!" even though i didn't really give a shit about him
>one day, she asks us in class what our favorite song and favorite movie is
>i said my favorite song and favorite movie were both 8mile (my brother had watched it recently)
>she just says "woah, that's cool!"
>mfw i was an eminem poser in the 3rd grade to impress my teacher
>mfw she was totally cool with a 7 year old watching (and liking) 8mile

it's not all that bad but i cringe on that memory pretty frequently
47 posts and 5 images omitted

No.118878468 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>if it's not right wing it's not music
/mu/ makes me want to break chudcel skulls
17 posts and 4 images omitted

No.42970872 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>you will never make an album as good as this
306 posts and 25 images omitted


No.115388319 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What does /mu/ think about daine? I found her song boythots on Discover Weekly and it's a bop.

No.118818286 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Reminder: music is bad for you. It artificially raises your dopamine levels and is addictive.

What's your longest streak of NoMusic?
7 posts omitted