Donations to the archive would be appreciated to help fund our server hardware & storage drives. We are looking for developers to help build new software and archives, discuss here.
Additional planned maintenance will occur with downtime the entire day of 3/15.

New Archive Software Stack

## Developer No.4785 View ViewReplyLast 50ReportDelete
The Bibliotheca Anonoma has built two drop in replacements in Python to replace the aging FoolFuuka/Asagi archival stack.
Our goal is to increase scraper efficiency, increase performance of the search engine, and significantly reduce the training time and setup necessary to operate a 4chan archive.
This new server setup allows us to generate backups without affecting scraping, public backups will be uploaded over the coming months.
If you'd like to help develop or plan to make a 4chan archive of your own, it is a tough road but we have the expertise to help you set things up. Post below or contact us at: #bibanon

* is in use at Desuarchive as part of this server migration. See the improved features over Asagi scraper in the repository.
* is a drop in replacement for the FoolFuuka frontend, check it out at our demonstration site: It is sufficient for non-ghostposting use, but we are still working on search and moderation tools and development help is appreciated.

Lastly, We hope to learn Rust to totally redesign the Asagi SQL schema. (currently dependent on Percona MariaDB TokuDB and has numerous conversion issues) Two efforts are underway:
* is a drop in replacement for the Asagi scraper. It is in testing at .
* is a full stack archive stack replacement and PostgreSQL schema redesign, most likely the best path forward past the aging Asagi schema.
338 posts and 18 images omitted

## Admin No.3026 View ViewReplyReportDelete
Welcome to /desu/. Use this board to report issues, request features, and for other discussions regarding Other posts will be removed.

When reporting a technical issue, be sure to include the full URL of the page/image.

Do not use this board for removal requests, which must be emailed to Other rule violations can be reported by clicking the "Report" button on the post.

!!hBVEdjHveTz No.8003 View ViewReplyReportDelete
Is there a way to generate the same trip that I use on 4chan on the archive?

No.7857 View ViewReplyReportDelete
>site going down
>search down often

the archive is dying bros

DONATE NOW. Crypto and Visa available
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my message to roommates community

No.7999 View ViewReplyReportDelete
I was harassed by anonymous users who spread misinformation and hate about me. As someone new to 4chan, I didn’t fully understand the culture, and now I’ve been permanently banned because someone who raided my Bunny Maloney thread hacked my IP and started posting furry scat porn. Appealing the ban has been frustrating since 4chan still relies on outdated technology like IRC instead of email.

Joining 4chan was a mistake. I was bullied so hard that they started blaming the Bunny Maloney fandom and even the creator. No matter what I said, they refused to understand and kept attacking me. Maybe it’s my fault, maybe it’s theirs—but either way, they harassed me to the point where I’m now afraid to post about something I like. Maybe I spent too much time on /trash/, a board that truly lives up to its name.

Looking back, my life would be better without 4chan. I was browsing it almost 24/7, and I was already starting to get bored. I’m also sorry for posting Bunny Maloney in unrelated threads—I didn’t realize it would make anons so angry. I was just too excited about it. People lied about me being into scat, and because of that, I’m done with 4chan.

See you never.

No.7379 View ViewReplyReportDelete
bring back ghostposting on /qa/. its been over 2 years come on now
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No.7896 View ViewReplyReportDelete
Looking for
Gives me results for pol alone, without slashes
Just an example, but how can I return results containing the term "pol" with slashes around it (like "/pol/" or '/pol/'), instead of just the term "pol" alone?
2 posts omitted

No.7704 View ViewReplyReportDelete
>Error 1015
>You are being rate limited
lower the limit jesus, I can't open 2 images without this popping up
1 post omitted

No.7918 View ViewReplyReportDelete
I uploaded something on r9k, basically someone dating profile who I matched. I realize that this is wrong. It says I need to email the admins to have it taken down, but there is no email. :-(
Who do I contact for this?