Donations to the archive would be appreciated to help fund our server hardware & storage drives. We are looking for developers to help build new software and archives, discuss here.
Additional planned maintenance will occur with downtime the entire day of 3/15.

No.12664 View ViewReplyReportDelete

No.12713 View ViewReplyReportDelete

/www/ - white women worship

No.12356 View ViewReplyReportDelete
1 post omitted

No.15041 View ViewReplyReportDelete

No.12188 View ViewReplyReportDelete
ITT 4chan bans
8 posts and 6 images omitted

No.12718 View ViewReplyReportDelete
Welcome to McDonald's, what would you like?

4chan posting down sitewide

No.12651 View ViewReplyReportDelete
you cannot post on 4chan right now. if you try and post you will be met with a captcha that never loads after clicking on the square which would normally get you your captcha. it seems like not even pass users are dodging this, that or literally not even a single pass user has posted in the last about 2 hours on any of the more popular boards. for all intents and purposes you cannot post on 4chan right now.
it seems like the site has been down since about 00:34:28 am EST March 5th 2025.
24 posts and 1 image omitted

No.12667 View ViewReplyReportDelete
While 4chan is down let's have a frog thread. Post frogs.

No.12441 View ViewReplyReportDelete
>999998 years hence the Aquarian age we dreamed.
Born in the golden month of fire and blessed by thrice-light, her nature was paradoxical; alike to bug catching in the Winter.

With our latent yearning in heard from heart to heart, the clumsy goddess washed away the board in coolest water, so that we could live in a pure land.

A reunion of those that never met.
Nostalgic Chaos.

It was via a long and strange interlude where I learned the reality of magic.
In a lesser dimension, contrary to all expectations.
I know it now to be Rumi's field.

The dreamlike days trace back together, knot together.

I offer my heartfelt finger-hammered post to the /meta/tron in admiration and rememberance, and leave.
10 posts and 2 images omitted

!hEpdoZ.tHU No.12654 View ViewReplyReportDelete
>4chan is down..
Damn, tf we gonna do?
4 posts and 2 images omitted

No.12626 View ViewReplyReportDelete
Is qa2triots up yet?, it's been fucking ages that the site is down

No.12539 View ViewReplyReportDelete
I'm watching you buddy.

No.12203 View ViewReplyReportDelete
>Error: Specified thread does not exist.