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No.123520592 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
295 posts and 130 images omitted

No.123443228 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>you don't believe in God
>I don't believe in luck

What did he mean by this?
175 posts and 28 images omitted

hit the quan

No.123520500 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
favorite genre?
19 posts and 5 images omitted

No.123521219 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I crave roots rock like oxygen. NOT "punk", NOT "alt-country"... "ROOTS ROCK". But I can't seem to find enough of it that's GOOD.

So I come to you, /mu/.

I'm not looking for hipsters and "sensitive singer-songwriters" pretending to be country singers. Ideally should be more bluesy, possibly with an early rock influence (optionally, some boogie woogie or R&B or soul or even gospel influence). I can dig J. J. Cale, but anything less rock 'n' roll than that is probably not going to be my thing.

(Aside from pic related,) I already know Creedence and The Band and Sir Douglas Quintet and those Flying Burrito motherfuckers, but I was never really feeling any of them.

No.123520826 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Imagine being so retarded that you genuinely get hyped up about the fucking monkees in current year. I do in fact assume most of you have facial hair of this sort.
7 posts omitted

No.123518488 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>deletes Contract
ah, perfection
11 posts omitted

Linkin Park fans are in a meltdown

No.123518124 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
The fan base is now torn in two – the people who hate Emily and the people who love her. What will come out of this?
66 posts and 8 images omitted

No.123520751 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
his best work

how the fuck did he do it? make something so catchy and repetitive so nuanced and lush sounding


No.123514372 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
SoundCloud, Bandcamp etc
shill your shit
33 posts and 23 images omitted