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No.122936452 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
happy birthday bahiya
246 posts and 124 images omitted

I'm tired of it all help me

No.122930887 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>trance doesn't work anymore
>prog doesn't work anymore
>rock doesn't work anymore
>reggae doesn't work anymore
>The Prodigy doesn't help anymore
>classical music doesn't help anymore
>used to play in a good Led Zeppelin cover band, that doesn't do the trick either anymore
>we did Hendrix and Cream covers too

8 posts and 2 images omitted

/prog/ - Progressive Rock General

No.122921703 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
71 posts and 24 images omitted


No.122926968 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
173 posts and 21 images omitted

!5OMlRCx8Q. No.122936625 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
At what time did you lose respect for Scaruffi?

sd laika RIP

No.122934338 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
6 posts omitted

No.122936054 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
It feels like it's the first time in a looong time that an album is actually culturally relevant
10 posts omitted

No.122923575 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
The cream always rises to the top
59 posts and 11 images omitted

No.122933307 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Name a better third album from a band. I’ll wait.
40 posts and 18 images omitted

Tenacious D

No.122934144 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What is their best discography?
20 posts omitted