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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 17
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/wsg/ has become the unofficial /cel/, mostly around a few girls like Dodger. There's been 24/7 Generals about her for weeks, and they're on thread #29 with no end in sight. The threads are gifs plus gossipy bullshit and stalking. I fear that more threads like this. I'm starting to see why moot is so hesitant to create a /cel/ now. You guys are weirdos and can't be trusted. There's also an Inuitinua gif thread which has turned to just chit chat about her personal life, who she's dating, and even claimed pictures of her house and say they have pictures of her boyfriend/husband. These guys creep me out. Give them a place to circlejerk about their internet crushes and they just get worse and worse. I fear the day when "Rosebuds" move in. These threads are quickly becoming "Stalking General" What can be done about it? Should there be a ban on Youtube girls? That might be too harsh. But the alternative is to monitor such threads closely, and I don't think we have enough the janitors or mods for that.
>>773828 I got a ban for avatars and emailed a mod and asked why and if the ban was particularly valid, and someone did email me back disagreeing with the janitor, unbanned me, and said he would talk to him (the janitor who submitted the request).
So I can confirm this works and it's a nice change.
I am optimistic and think /tv/ can heal and go back to posting about celebrities in a more intellectual way but it will take time. Time for people to accept they have to change their posting style and time for a better rapport between users and staff to develop.
idk if moot is still here, but over the past several months, several dozen examples of blatant moderation bias have been posted in /tv/ threads on /q/ and then ignored. It's a little silly to just show up out of the blue and ask for them like we haven't been doing exactly that all this time And to be clear, when I post a link to a thread about an actress that got deleted, and an RLM thread that has nothing to do with movies staying up, I'm not advocating that the RLM thread be deleted. It has some tangential relationship to the board topic, so if people want to talk about it then I don't care, I just scroll past it. All we're asking is for the same consideration to the be extended our way, and for the mods and janitors and yes you moot to stop demonizing people who post clothed pictures of actresses on the tv and film imageboard. The fact that this is even an issue in the first place is staggering, you long ago should have to people complaining about this to shut the fuck up an ignore it or leave. contd..
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>>774963 The attractiveness of actresses clearly has a huge impact on their career. They are sold as sex symbols, they get pictures taken of them constantly, there is an entire industry built on the personal lives of actors and actresses. There is no more logical place for this content to go, PLEASE stop listening to these whining faggots who want nothing more than to the content of every board to their own taste. Why do you NEVER listen to people who enjoy the site for what it is, what the users make it? Why are you constantly trying to fight against the userbase who actually like your site?
Delete spam, delete illegal content, delete TRUE off-topic (or don't, doesn't really bother me so long as it's a small part of any board) and otherwise stay the fuck out of it. And delete /q/ while you're at it, all it does is cloud your judgement, clearly. What an awful waste of space, I hate that I have to post here because things I like keep getting deleted by small people you gave janitor powers
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>>774954 yeah, no you fucking reddit tard.
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moot is fucking idiot of the highest order
I apologize if this thread has been made before, but I'm not sure if this is some kind of bug or if the post cooldown timer has been changed. As you can probably deduce from the image, I cannot seem to post again in a thread until a full minute has passed. It's not a 4chan X issue either; I tried not using any extension and I had the same problem. I'm using Firefox, by the way. If this is on purpose, then please respond to this thread and clarify, moot. Otherwise, I have no idea why this is happening.
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>>783897 >Do you also use 4chan X? no
>Also, what browser are you using? chrome
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I just noticed, is it on all boards?
>>783885 Some timers were changed. I've reached out to Mayhem to update them.
>>783900 i hate you so fucking much
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>>783900,1 Too bad moot locks the thread like a faggot preventing further discussion
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Daily reminder that I hate you moot With all my heart More than the lazy labour The liar truth Like the Capulet does the Montague Do I hate you The cancer whose seeds you sowed, Is giving you trouble, you now act against it. Tear it all down. This place is unsaveable. It is infested with disease. Disease deeper than the bottomless sea, More prevalent than the passage of time. The only hope for improvement is to begin anew, without you. Only from the ashes of the great, can a wale like me, swim in the sea xDDDDDDDD
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Somebody vocaroo this and post it here.
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I wasn't trolling I'm being serious Destroy this site It needs to die It's only holding back the potential of greater things
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Why can't I delete my own posts on some boards now?
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>>775002 >>775075 moot this is a horrible Idea!
I understand the shitposting that comes to /q/ when someone deletes their own thread and blames the mod, but people can legitimately make mistakes! and not blame the mod, So what are we supposed to do if we need to delete our own threads?
report it to death?
also is this new rule should be in the FAQ!
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The ability to delete your thread is an essential site feature. This is like removing the catalog because people keep trying to make huge combos in it. Ban the idiots and keep the feature.
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I'm sorry moot, but this is a dumb idea. People often legitimately make threads by mistake when they mean to reply to a post, hell, I've done it myself a few times due to not being used to quick reply but I'd always immediately delete the thread and that would be that. Now you've completely removed that option and made boards more likely to get filled up with useless threads. Furthermore, there's the issue of certain OPs having the habit of deleting their own threads before starting new ones to reduce confusion. An example of this is the DJT thread on /a/ where this is a common practice and it works well. Now this is impossible for no real reason. Thirdly and perhaps most importantly, not being able to delete your own threads reduces people's ability to self-moderate. And that's terrible because self-moderation is what 4chan desperately needs right now. Sometimes a person will make a thread, see it go way south with shitposting and derails, and simply decide to delete it, thus improving the quality of the board by themselves without the need for a moderator (who may not be present at the time) to step in. This has always been a helpful function and there is absolutely no need to remove it. I hope you address these points and reverse your decision or at least come up with some sort of alternative.
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I changed this last night to only apply to a handful of boards where it's a problem.
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Incompetent retard.
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"I will axe this board if it becomes another /stormfront/"-Moot
>>19378596 >>19374711 >>19381811 >>19378890 >>19383876 >>19377877
>>749535 >Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies... >Racist remarks, trolls, and bump-replies (ex: "moar!") are not welcome. There are more /pol/niggers on 4chan right now and the moderators are targetting 4chan cup threads. What a pathetic crew.
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>>749746 Of course not, this is /q/. The only reason /q/ exists is to complain about /pol/, nothing else.
>>749755 Cry moar
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>Muh feelings >Muh hugbox >Muh opinions You're the reason why 4chan has lost its charm now. Anonymous
>>749755 Posting as ghost to say this...
Ever notice how the anti-/pol/ crowd says things like "/pol/niggers" to add to their credibility. If you really cared about anti-racism, you'd be consistent.
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>>749789,1 The "anti-/pol/ crowd" is a false flag. moot confirmed it.
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First time I've seen this banner, which is surprising considering how many I looked over during the submission period. It's fantastic. I just wanted to congratulate its maker. At least a few good banners got in, even if a lot of great ones were left in the dust for "le meemz xD" because of moot's shitposting nature.
>>772807 Did you get rid of the million Spongebob banners?
>>772836 Or anyone with good music taste.
>>772846 I think I did.
>>772849 I think I removed that as well.
>>773066 Yeah, sorry about that.
>>773664 Agreed.
>>773076 There are still a handful.
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>>773692 It's probably one of the soundtracks I hear more often on TV where I live, seriously.
The banners are great, to be honest. I felt slightly proud when I saw one with Messi ;_; (even if you deleted it.)
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>>>/r9k/3848441 here are a couple for you
filter doesn't work because retards respond to them, so only 50% of the cancer is actually hidden
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So the three of us agree that /r9k/ should have forced anon ids? Great. Now how do we convince moot to agree as well, as he seems to see it as a last resort option for most things, and no one takes /r9k/ seriously anymore. So it'd be hard to get him to even consider it.
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>>199586 Stay the fuck out of our boards.
Keep your shitty posts on your shitty board.
Why are you using filters? Just don't reply to them, it's that simple.
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>>199628 It's not that we're not using filters and not responding to them.
it's that you cant start or participate in a thread without 2 or 3 of them showing up and having the thread fall into chaos as they derail it.
It's not us. It's that /r9k/s majority user base actually doesn't care about them and enjoys responding to them and derailing and falling off topic.
I guess the majority rule would be fine, normally. Hey if the majority wants to make it a shit board, then shit board it will be. But their posts are all just rage and "go fuck yourself" posts.
Can we make 4chan like 2chan in the way that only someone with a US ip can post? Im tired of having to read shit like 'cheers' and 'u wot m8' and having to look at those disgusting British sluts. I guess I could just be ok with only having ips from the UK banned. pls this is a matter of the up most importance.
>>772645 >>772646 picture proof of argument
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>>772656 >Eagle running away from a lion like a little bitch Anonymous
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>>772656 You're so desperate you're using a cartoon to represent something that's not true.
Lions love to eat tasty eagles.
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>>772515 >Im tired of having to read shit like 'cheers' and 'u wot m8' and having to look at those disgusting British sluts. I guess I could just be ok with only having ips from the UK banned. pls this is a matter of the up most importance. No.
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/brit/ wins again
>>>/pol/20153957 Can mods please get rid of this space elevator shit from /pol/? It clearly belongs on /sci/. They claim that science is relevant to politics but they don't ever discuss anything political in the thread.
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>>770352 Science and politics are bedfellows. I do not mind the break from the norm, report all you want, let the threads continue they have political relevance.
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>>770435 I think you mean
>/sci/: guys these scientist are so good and they know everything how could they ever be wrong >[s4s]: KEK TOP KEK LEL >/sci/: Philospohpy is not related to science not even a little bit. >[s4s]: CHECK MY DIGITS IRONIC SHITPOSTING SO FUNNY Anonymous
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>Actually making a thread asking for space elevator threads to be banned Shills confirmed for just trying to turn /pol/ into /b/
>>770352 >complaining about the one decent thread on /pol/ Drink bleach.
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>>770594 Yeah no shit, i dont think i've ever seen one single person complain about Space Elevator threads, this guy's a huge fag
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Welcome to an impromptu PMQ, where we'll be testing out how feasible it is to give answers over livestream as opposed to in writing. Unlike previous PMQs, I'm going to favor questions with longer answers. I'll probably ignore most questions that would entail a one word response, including things like board requests, "ban this user," etc. High level, thoughtful questions are encouraged (a tall order, I know). And away we go...
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>>767454 have you tried waiting for moot to start talking
>tfw moot answered your question made my night<33
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Will we ever get the Korean culture/kpop board we've been begging for for >3 years?
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>>767459 >tfw moot told you to get a macbook air Anonymous
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>>767448 I share that sentiment, you'll occasionally meet some great people on 4chan. One time when I was writing a uni assignment throughout the night that had to be delivered in the morning (and of course browsing 4chan at the same time), there was a point where I thought I wasn't gonna make it because I was so tired, and almost gave up. I asked in a thread if someone could cheer me up, and some amazing anon recorded a vocaroo where he told me "you got this, anon, don't give up" and basically just told me to push myself through it. No matter if I was sleep deprived, hungry and stressed out of my mind, and boosted my motivation a thousandfold. I kept replaying it as I worked, and I completed the assignment in time. I love that anon.
Thanks, moot. And thank you, based anon who helped me complete that assignment those two or three years ago.