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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 17

/wsg/ - Waifu

ID:qhqGlbWy No.770365 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
/wsg/ has become the unofficial /cel/, mostly around a few girls like Dodger. There's been 24/7 Generals about her for weeks, and they're on thread #29 with no end in sight. The threads are gifs plus gossipy bullshit and stalking. I fear that more threads like this. I'm starting to see why moot is so hesitant to create a /cel/ now. You guys are weirdos and can't be trusted.

There's also an Inuitinua gif thread which has turned to just chit chat about her personal life, who she's dating, and even claimed pictures of her house and say they have pictures of her boyfriend/husband. These guys creep me out. Give them a place to circlejerk about their internet crushes and they just get worse and worse. I fear the day when "Rosebuds" move in. These threads are quickly becoming "Stalking General"

What can be done about it? Should there be a ban on Youtube girls? That might be too harsh. But the alternative is to monitor such threads closely, and I don't think we have enough the janitors or mods for that.
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Unable to post for 60 seconds rather than 30?

ID:OHXD+zsH No.783885 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I apologize if this thread has been made before, but I'm not sure if this is some kind of bug or if the post cooldown timer has been changed.

As you can probably deduce from the image, I cannot seem to post again in a thread until a full minute has passed. It's not a 4chan X issue either; I tried not using any extension and I had the same problem. I'm using Firefox, by the way.

If this is on purpose, then please respond to this thread and clarify, moot. Otherwise, I have no idea why this is happening.
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I fucking hate you

ID:+5BiaNum No.783841 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Daily reminder that I hate you moot
With all my heart
More than the lazy labour
The liar truth
Like the Capulet does the Montague
Do I hate you
The cancer whose seeds you sowed,
Is giving you trouble,
you now act against it.
Tear it all down.
This place is unsaveable.
It is infested with disease.
Disease deeper than the bottomless sea,
More prevalent than the passage of time.
The only hope for improvement is to begin anew,
without you.
Only from the ashes of the great,
can a wale like me,
swim in the sea

Delete own post?

ID:AdCf6f46 No.774078 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Why can't I delete my own posts on some boards now?
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Daily Reminder /pol/ is stormfront

ID:FIeGO8gG No.748266 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
"I will axe this board if it becomes another /stormfront/"-Moot

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ID:k0Ufnh8A No.772794 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
First time I've seen this banner, which is surprising considering how many I looked over during the submission period. It's fantastic. I just wanted to congratulate its maker.

At least a few good banners got in, even if a lot of great ones were left in the dust for "le meemz xD" because of moot's shitposting nature.
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Do tripfag Shit-posters get banned?

ID:TDpS8EES No.199173 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

here are a couple for you

filter doesn't work because retards respond to them, so only 50% of the cancer is actually hidden
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ID:kDlS28Hd No.772515 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Can we make 4chan like 2chan in the way that only someone with a US ip can post? Im tired of having to read shit like 'cheers' and 'u wot m8' and having to look at those disgusting British sluts. I guess I could just be ok with only having ips from the UK banned. pls this is a matter of the up most importance.
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Technophile circlejerk on /pol/

ID:XFZVeU8z No.770352 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

Can mods please get rid of this space elevator shit from /pol/? It clearly belongs on /sci/. They claim that science is relevant to politics but they don't ever discuss anything political in the thread.
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4chan PMQ/Q&A #4

ID:pbF5LHqS ## Admin No.762240 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Welcome to an impromptu PMQ, where we'll be testing out how feasible it is to give answers over livestream as opposed to in writing.

Unlike previous PMQs, I'm going to favor questions with longer answers. I'll probably ignore most questions that would entail a one word response, including things like board requests, "ban this user," etc.

High level, thoughtful questions are encouraged (a tall order, I know).

And away we go...
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