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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 18

A board for /b/ Risk

ID:zxUF++bC No.413517 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I'm sure most of the mods on /b/ know about Risk, and how it's pretty damn different from the rest of /b/ (gore, loli, stoner threads, steam giveaways, etc) so i'm requesting that you make a new board just for Risking, a board that is devoted to only Risk games and Risk-related topics. What do you say?

>Kommandant Nazigga (my risk name)
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/vp/ countdown clock torwards the release of X and Y

ID:2g4y/sD9 No.738499 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Would it be possible for /vp/ to get a clock counting down torwards the release of the next pokemon games, X and Y, like this?
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Desktop notification permissions

ID:pfSzqemz No.742613 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What is Desktop notification permissions that i am seeing in 4chan extensions?

What is going to be notified in my desktop from 4chan
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Crossboarders in /a/

ID:LyxgS7BI No.741414 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What the fuck. After moot did N/a/ruto it's infested with people who cannot even use anime-related images, let alone create a coherent post. These people are scattered throughout every thread like a cancer. It's worst in Naruto threads, where they don't even care enough to use Cirno or KoG instead of fucking /v/ shit. They're a bigger plague than Narutards at this point. Posting and new thread quality decreased proportionally as well, outside of 'normalfag repellent' threads like VNs or DJT.

Any thread.

On top of that we have an IRC circlejerk force making shitty meta threads and trojan Naruto threads to justify their shitposting. I don't want Naruto on my board, but even more than that, I don't want an even larger cancer to roam free. See: any post by Sitzra or his tripfag army.

Requesting that mods do something to get rid of these fools.
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Naruto thread ends up loli

ID:Ra7MP8uf No.740479 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Alright, this has hit a new low. Instead of shitposting with dubs, the vocal minority decides to posts unspoiled loli in Naruto threads.

Here's an example (happening as I post) :

I don't even like Naruto, but this is unacceptable.

There is two things mods could do:

1)Permanbanned/ long bans for shitposters in Naruto threads
2) Ban Naruto from /a/

1) could work but there are proxies people use. I don't know how mods could ban proxies.

2)Could work but it's very hypocritical and creates a slippery slope.

If Naruto threads are not ok, then why are VN/waifu/homolust/cute girl/exhentai threads allowed on /a/?

What is /c/, /u/,/y/,/jp/,/vg/ for ?

If naruto is banned, then also ban everything that's non manga or anime related.
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bans and stuff

ID:aBqM3cUC No.727325 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The fuck happened here?

Also, is anything at all being done to make it less trivial to evade bans and continue churning out shitty threads and posts like nothing happened?
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ID:+k2743yd No.723224 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Lets talk about naruto
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Flags on /trv/

ID:+OSb0NbN No.728243 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Mootykins, can we please have flags on /trv/? It just makes sense. /trv/ is a board all about travelling and, if /sp/ has flags, why shouldn't /trv/?

Also, ever since the flags were updated, Aland (.ax) has shown up as "Unknown". Is this a glitch of some sort?
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Mod deleting anime threads he doesn't like

ID:xxM/wXCO No.728325 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is there any reason why the moderator on /a/ deletes the Kiniro Mosaic threads? (thread in question) (and the same thing happening in the past to someone else.)

Please tell the abusive cunt to back off from my threads, thanks.

Devs in Emulation General

ID:vaonuDNP No.726945 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Emulation General was a paradise. A shining beacon in /vg/ for how a General should operate. People would come in, ask questions and get answers. A slow general, that was always on topic. Then Emulation Developers started showing up. The guys who actually make emulators. Every single one of them seems unbalanced, and they throw little bitch fits in our thread and disrupt it. They bring in drama between other devs (they all hate each other) in here too. Devs are the only thing disrupting this thread. I think they should go.

Our current thread was going fine, until a dev named Mudlord started throwing a tantrum starting here >>>/vg/44336973. Last thread had a dev named Squarepusher losing his shit. A few examples of SP's little tantrum:

In that thread SP says he's leaving. But he's said he's "leaving forever" like three times in the past, so I suspect he'll be back. He's been shit posting in our thread for months. I want these guys gone. Every time they shitpost I report their posts. Sometimes they get little 1-3 day bans. Most of the times they don't. These guys need 6 month or longer bans. I never want to see these motherfuckers ever again.

Discouraging new devs from posting in the future should be a rule. Even if they mean well, they just bring drama and shit posting.
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