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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 19

naruto is here to stay baby

ID:O7No77qo No.724275 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>tfw someone didn't like naruto near me
Thanks for banning those naruto haters!
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Delete /vp/

ID:2X+AcmYf No.717331 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Not because I don't like it but because it has outlived its purpose. It was created as a solution to the Pokemon generals that were always clogging up /v/, and this was before /vg/ was created.

Now it is a slow and lonely board. Pokemon discussion on /v/ was always much more interesting and I imagine there is a lot of crossover traffic between /v/ and /vg/.

I propose /vp/ be deleted and merged with /vg/ and /co/. Pokemon game discussion moves to /vg/ where it will receive much more attention, and those who want to discuss the anime will go to /co/. The topic no longer merits its own board any more than any other "x franchise general" does, and would probably actually be helped by migrating to new homes.
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Official HAPPENING sticky thread

ID:Ce4LNj3h No.714750 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

Hate to say this mootles, but this doesn't really help you much.

The status of MQr is still unknown. Has he been rightfully canned?

You're not doing yourself any favors as far as bolstering our confidence in the janitors goes. All it says is "we'll continue to keep you in the dark, but we'll tell the janitors to stop making mean threads about you on /j/. And please pity them, because they work SO hard to make your board nice ;_;"

When I start seeing less enraged posters on /q/, and people staging full scale uprisings on their boards in retaliation to the janitors shenanigans, I'll be convinced of the janitor's quality.

The only thing I'm happy with is that if you're to be believed, we won't see any more janitor shills on /q/. Though even that is doubtful...

Sorry moot, I'm unimpressed.
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janitorial retardation is at an all time high

ID:LybGn2F/ No.713163 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>content creators are expendable

>shitposting is inevitable

>we don't give a shit what users want

Welcome to the new 4chan.
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ID:pbF5LHqS ## Admin No.714706 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

A few things:

1) A janitor was fired a few weeks ago for being inactive. This is the only reason he was let go. He did not go on a deletion rampage or do anything negative -- he was simply absent. His only board was /int/ -- not /sp/ and /v/ as claimed. He wasn't even the janitor /int/ hated -- again, he was just inactive.

2) A total of two janitors have been recruited from /q/ since it was opened. One of these janitors had their identity outed in a screencap from the internal moderation board.

2a) Both janitors continued to post on /q/ after their addition to the janitor team. This was a mistake and I should have told them to stop posting at that point, or to at least avoid any subjects having to do with moderation. This will be the policy going forward. Contrary to tinfoil conspiracy theories, mods rarely post in /q/ (with a capcode or anonymously) because I've heavily discouraged it.

3) The internal board had what was essentially a venting thread, which was in poor taste. This thread has since been removed. Last year I banned venting in the janitor IRC channel because I thought it bred a negative culture amongst the janitors and us vs. them mentality, and essentially said I'd fire anyone who complained constantly about users on their boards -- this made the channel a much more positive/productive place.

The moderation team has been anonymous for the better part of the past 8-9 years to avoid exactly what's happened -- a witch hunt of angry posters trying to pin anything they don't like about their board on specific janitors/mods. As a reminder, janitoring is a completely shit job. It is tedious and thankless. The last sentence in the orientation e-mail is "WELCOME TO HELL KIDDOS", and no words could be more appropriate. While the vast majority of janitors who have served 4chan over the past 7 or so years have been excellent, unfortunately sometimes we get bad apples (or just lazy ones). To that end we've removed a number of inactive janitors over the past few weeks, and immediately can any janitor found to be purposely violating the rules of the program.

As always, the best way to bring concerns about moderation to my attention is via an e-mail to [email protected], or the newly created [email protected].


ID:FwYUJ2Cl No.713545 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Trying to post a new thread off my phone galaxy s4 and it keeps sayin error upload failed...any idea why?


ID:9OJQnui0 No.712342 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
So it's confirmed that a janitor was outed. And they use /q/ to make fun of posters.

No wonder this board is shit.
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/q/ Censorship Discussion Thread

ID:pP2bMg1L No.711802 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Original thread (>>711424) on autosage because moderators don't want anyone to see it.

Actual previous thread (>>711786) instantly deleted by a moderator.

Discuss whether or not the moderators should be hiding this from 4chan users.
69 posts and 17 images omitted

unjust ban on /a/

ID:5Ub2gF99 No.710664 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hello /q/,
just wanted to say that it's not possible for me to comprehend, why I received this ban, as the thread I posted in was shit anyway and the moderator protected it.
The moderator keeps protecting (e)RP threads, obvious rule-violations and tries to enforce things on obvious targets.
Furthermore I'll directly adress this to the moderator who did it, as I don't agree with this ban and the reasoning and therefor it is unjust, I will just keep ignoring it, like I usually do.
If you think I deserved this one, I'd like you to elaborate personally, I am not aware of things I've done wrong and I am not in the place, that I'd be in need to be the submissive partner here.
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Mention sexism in global rule #3

ID:90XR8LRa No.707383 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
If racism is prominent enough to be specifically mentioned in global rule #3 as a bannable offense outside of /b/, I'd likewise like to see a specific mention of sexism. I report it when I see it as rulebreaking content for trolling/flaming, but it would be nice to see it called out specifically since it's a widespread problem on pretty much every discussion board.
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