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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 20

The Elephant in the room; Another /pol/ thread.

ID:woZxtB67 No.708121 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
global rule three included no racism. Global as in enforced across the whole sight, ((even /b/ though that's really dependant on the mood of the moderator at the time.)

Is /pol/ exempt from this? because the whole board is spretty much nothing but racism.

>inb4 jidf accusations
10 posts and 2 images omitted

Gov. douche bags trying to set up a real journalist with kiddie porn.

ID:iM8prZs5 No.677084 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
the email that tried to set me up with Child Porn at the border is [email protected] if anyone can find who this person is, I would be eternally grateful (video)

RIP Scooby and RIP /fit/

ID:QnzH6Fg1 No.699142 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Welp, one of the nicest guys on the internet got doxxed by some anons from /fit/ and /sp/ and is now selling the home he build himself and relocating as a result.

I'm really thankful to /fit/, even though I haven't been active there in a long time, for helping me find some good fitness advice, but it's just another offshoot of /b/ at this point, where everyone goes to develop or parade around their own, undeserved, sense of self superiority.

/fit/ is dead
63 posts and 14 images omitted

4 chan extentions & Deleted posts

ID:dg78/p7s No.704395 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is there a 4chan extension that will allow me to view deleted posts? 4chanX seems to do it but only if they have been replied to

Enjoy the whore

ID:w57VSjm5 No.215228 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Please enjoy this fat whore ;)

diablo 3

ID:tg6oyWSh No.624597 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Anyone have a diablo 3 account they want to give me? Id appreciate it.

[Last 50]

ID:tyuVhSfJ No.690021 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why hasn't this been implemented yet?

Pointless sentence to avoid a potential mute.

begging for money on 4chan

ID:WG5doxmi No.235256 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is it against the rules to ask for money on /b/? I'm not talking about spamming or begging really. Just mentioning a paypal account you have in the OP and then hosting a wonderful porn dump and at the end mentioning that you'd appreciate any small donations from people who enjoyed the thread.

Will that get me banned?
3 posts omitted

Official News Post / 4chan Pass Questions/Comments/Feedback/Complaints Thread

## Admin No.188157 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
1313 posts and 112 images omitted

/pol/ has ruined 4chan

ID:DYKpjmGF No.690072 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Shame on your Mr.Poole.

This website was once a remarkable advancement in internet discourse. A force of innovation, so to speak.

Now, sadly, it's merely a safe haven for bigots and Stormfront rejects, since there has been no action taken, on part of the administration, to discourage the behavior. In fact, you've let it breed by resurrection /new/ in the form of /pol/.

If it's intention was to be a containment board, it's failed miserably. It floods onto other boards, most notably /int/ and /r9k/. Hell, you can't even browse slow boards such as /diy/ without some kind of bigoted topic. .

Great job at taking a great, revolutionary internet concept and allowing it to turn to garbage.
50 posts and 12 images omitted