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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 21

/b/ is frozen.

ID:YKaZhZbq No.689536 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
/b/ is frozen for me, other boards is not. the catalog and the main page is stuck.
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/r9k/ problem

ID:o8iv6o2H No.683198 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hello /q/.

Can /r9k/ get some more moderation or janitors on it? There has been an influx of "who is best tripfriend" or "fuck marry kill: tripfriend addition"
Worst part is, you can't even filter since they don't use a trip to make the OP.

Pic related, just visited and there happened to be one right now
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/d/ Should have an increased image limit or decreased post limit

ID:CEEhLAB7 No.676859 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
And I'm sure I'm not the only one who wants this, the curret image limit on /d/ is 151, and the post limit around 300 the problem is that most of the threads are filled with pictures, /d/ is pretty much an image dump board, which causes the threads to hit post limit way too early, and some of them to come back from last page constantly

So here's my suggestion, add an increased image limit which would go near of the post limit or decreased the post limit somewhere near the image limit

I'll link this thread on /d/ to get some opinions from the people who lurk there
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kinomod destroying /a/

ID:R/Swyrc5 No.682923 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Whose bright idea was it to encourage /v/ermin to come to /a/
Seriously what the hell kinomod
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Generals on /g/ that are only tangentially related to technology

ID:RH8bHDk+ No.680390 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Has there been any kind of verdict regarding homescreen, battlestation and desktop threads on /g/?
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Advertise on 4chan

ID:6ouOwZoW No.672312 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Holy crap. This stuff looks all professional.

Good job, moot. Post pics when you're bathing in Bitshekels!
539 posts and 91 images omitted

Make his lfe difficult for killing my dog

ID:ssLYXmbb No.673973 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

Officer Scott Swain

Cell Phone-(310) 349-2835

537 N Glendale Ave

Glendale, CA 91206-3307


ID:vhPj4RJY No.363352 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why are things such as these gone?
'hands free fapping'
'The Surgeon'

They were actually handy to have around for people who dont have the selfmotivation to get off 4chan.
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Old Banner Quality Control

ID:ATUst6Rk No.652624 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
In the Q&A moot asked for better versions of the current banners, and in the new banner contest sticky it came up again: >>649210 A spinoff thread for this was requested in there. Now that it's banner season, let's finish it.

Here's an archive with new versions and duplicates removed (v5):

The spongebob one is missing from the official rotation. Why, and what are we going to do about it?

The Simpsons one had really bad image quality. There's a bunch of new versions, so pick one or make more.

Code Geass and Garfield have image quality problems. Got any clean source images?
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glitch banning?

ID:D0CF5GZ9 No.661012 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I just tried to report some shitposting on /sci/ and I couldn't because it said I was banned? So I clicked on the reason and it said I was warned for posting on /lgbt/ with an off topic image 3 months ago?

What the hell?
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