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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 22

Dragon Ball and other popular Anime

ID:yVnNUHpi No.37386 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Sup Guys, i want to talk about Dragon Ball and other anime.

Right now some anime are almost impossible to discuss on 4chan and are struggling to find a home for a few reasons that i will point out.

1. /a/ hate mainstream anime and will not discuss them, being discussed to death is not an excuse, since /a/ discuss EVA daily. i have seen Dragon Ball Z & Cowboy Bebop threads hit 300 posts in a hour plenty of times.

2. /a/ users are coming to /v/ much more often, just a year ago /v/ would discuss Dragon Ball and a few other anime daily, now anime threads are being deleted/saged and EVA is the only one being discussed daily on /v/.

This is of course fine since they are off topic, but i would like to point out EVA threads not being deleted is clearly favoritism from Mods/Janitors, this is not unacceptable for any reason.

(No /v/ culture is not an excuse, No the OP being Vidya related but the whole thread being off topic is not an excuse)

3. Anime is obviously off topic on many boards, there is no board to discuss mainstream anime.

I have no idea how we can discuss these anime in peace, i am well aware we can't request boards, but in my opinion a new Anime board will be great.

What can we do to resolve this issue?

Please do not shit this thread up simply because you hate these select anime, there is no need for it when we can fix this issue to make both sides happy.
588 posts and 35 images omitted

Toku Fans on /m/echa

ID:dZDPe59g No.46589 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So like can we get rid of Toku on /m/? Can the Tokufags get their own board or move to JP?
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/tv/ meta thread

ID:EUVZPsEe No.624626 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
hy is this thread left alive while many posts in them are deleted and posters are banned?

This is not a /tv/ related thread.

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/a/ invasion!

ID:M/6LgVsz No.631672 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
When will the reign of terror that is the /a/ invasion of every single topic board on 4chan end?

PLS make it stop moot/mods.
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ID:ydbBGY80 No.615004 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Reminder to all:

Moot has rejected advances from Zunechan, yet went out with this ugly tranny.

Attractive females will be rejected by Mr. Canvas.


ID:ou1qnhL1 No.580419 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Lets go raid LiveJasmin Guys
Our target is BelleLuxury shes on now, so lets go.

Fucking Google

ID:r5I5LHSZ No.636003 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
moot, why don't you change the Google CAPTCHA for something else? You could put something like "2+2" and shit to stop bots. I really don't like to have Google devs tracking me because of it.
91 posts and 9 images omitted

Mods, bans and /mu/

ID:FpCy4als No.618495 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why, after getting unbanned for a get thread I can't post on /mu/?

Everytime I try to post something it redirects me to the home page. It is like some mod banned me on his own sick way.

Anybody having this problems?
Anybody else tired of /mu/ mods and janitors?
Anybody else feeling that mods are out of control?
8 posts omitted

Anime complainers

ID:KNhagvA7 No.629067 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Can anything be done about the people who complain about anime related images on 4chan? How do you think moot feels about it these days?

Considering how this website started, and why a lot of people came here and still are here, it seems stupid to me to complain about anime/Japanese related images being posted on all boards.
246 posts and 50 images omitted

sound threads violate 4chan's philosophy.

ID:TT8oB0Cn No.645933 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
reported this sound thread >>>/a/87577327 6 hours ago and it's still alive.