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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 26


ID:Pp0zpJp/ No.520678 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why are board suggestions not banned from /q/? I thought there was a sticky about it some time ago?
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ID:PFmy1WNR No.497904 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Can anyone find out who owns this number? 07505555505 its a mobile number


ID:WTkgccAv No.510974 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hello /q/,

I've been here about 5 years now I reckon, took a break recently as I was abroad (/trv/ is one of my favourite boards, in some ways /out/ getting all the newfags and train hopper fantasy threads is a good thing).

But yeah, what's all this SRS stuff?
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mods are out of control

ID:5hHpG7Nd No.502225 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
4chan is dead and the new mods have killed it with their overzealous 3 day bans and moot right behind them praising them for ruining this place
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The infantile infestation on /sci/

ID:/G12W8Ez No.505399 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
/sci/ is going turning into a place where you only see infantile cartoons, videogames, threads created with borderline retarded questions where you can get the answer with one google search and painfully obvious troll threads.
The number of illiterate and immature people only increase by each day. Visit /sci/ at a random hour, and you'll see half of the posts are all irrelevant childish garbage. There are even some spesific people on /sci/ only create threads just to post infantile cartoons who pick a question from some random wikipedia article to make the thread appear scientific. And the more mods & janitors allow it, the uglier it gets.
Authorities, please. This used to be one of the most serious and intellectual board on 4chan. It's a matter of time it turns into little /x/ or little /b/
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ID:tl4b1djD No.428259 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I am proposing a site-wide ban for this website name "letthemfindus"

This should remove the constant bot posting on /b/, as it is the only bot plaguing the board as of now.

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ID:Twzj+F7j No.503684 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why was Siztra's thread deleted? Why is moot such a fag about this? Its not like he's not the biggest attention whore on the planet, with his "OC dun' steal!" shit at roflcon.
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Siztra's ban appeal on /a/

ID:G6D0GbtR No.503631 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm aware that I shitposted on /a/ and I did ban evade. I had to ban evade. It was not an option, I was forced to. I was falsely banned by the janitor, and yes I understand I'm still in the wrong but I just wanted to say that. I'm done evading, I never wanted to be an infamous tripfag on /a/. I just wanted to shitpost for fun once in awhile and now everyone knows who I am. I don't want to be popular, you can have my tripcode for all you want. I just want an apology from the mod or janitor and I'll drop my tripcode and leak it on /a/, that's all I'm asking for. You guys banned me for no reason first so I think I deserve this, plus I'll be gone forever. Just give me a chance.
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Validoty of a /fur/ boards

ID:6hl9WqIk No.484583 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
If you really wanted to fix things, this would have been your best bet. It would have fixed /v/, /b/ and /vp/ a hell of a lot better than adding a retro board.
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503 Service Temporarily Unavailable

ID:+ph0WxMz No.486560 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is anyone else getting this error?
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