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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 29

Mando drama spam on /mlp/

ID:6yvVK4QI No.309682 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Can we ban the word "mandopedo" and "mandopony" from /mlp/? It's all a bunch of bullshit that we would like to see go away.
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ID:AqGtroPp No.143652 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why is the whole of india banned from 4chan?

Typing profanity or gibberish to fool captcha

ID:C845NypF No.297085 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>just failed seven times in a row for obvious reasons

Just to reaffirm my feelings on the subject, and assuming you guys understand reCAPTCHA.
I will never, ever give Google free labor. They will not have my support in anything they do.

While I'm not so delusional as to think you are as extremely anti-Google as I am, I hope that you are not letting yourself be made a slave in exchange for being able to post on 4chan without trouble.

For the sheer numbers of captchas they've processed, why do you think they decided to be assholes to us? We just don't want to play their game, and it's obvious we're a minority.
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broken image thumbnails

ID:IT2Mw3Fm No.374735 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
been getting broken image thumbnails as in pic related for the last hour or so. the picture displays properly when i click it.

is it just me and any idea how to fix it? thanks!
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Appeal system.

ID:hkegIH1O No.373044 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
This is unacceptable. I got a 90-day ban on my home IP for a certain someone posting bestiality from my computer, and this guy doesn't even live at my home. If I tell that in the appeal I should get unbanned. What gives? Do I need to pay Jewt first or something? Because as far as I can tell unless mods believe the appeal, there's no possible way to get unbanned.
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ID:QjH1eOV4 No.364713 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why am I banned, Pokemon is a video game.
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Thread Deletion

ID:kzOtUtml No.360322 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why was this thread deleted?
1 post omitted

Older Anime and Manga

ID:FDVauKDK No.356587 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I know he's not going to consider board suggestions right now but what do you guys think of asking Moot to create another /a/ board devoted to discussing the classics (At least 2004 or older)?
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ID:poEqbgaC No.358794 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why was Ayn Rand discussion unbanned from /lit/? Is moot a sadist?

Also make a humanities board.

inb4 "no one cares about /lit/"
7 posts omitted

Random global mod ruining /a/ threads

ID:7O5HH/eH No.356970 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

What the fuck is this shit? He says three mods are wrong and then locks the thread after being a retard in it when the thread was allowed.
14 posts and 3 images omitted