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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 30

Clarity regarding "what are you drinking threads" and blogging on /a/

ID:19opAOHf No.350588 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

I am currently somewhat confused in regards to whether or not "what are you drinking" and general blogging threads are allowed on /a/ and anime related.

Now, I consider myself a good poster, and I would say that logically, the anime and manga board should only be used for anime and manga. However, when I see a "what are you drinking" thread not only being allowed to stay alive, but being posted in by a moderator, I would think it would be right to assume that they are /a/ related.

So, you see, my confusion stems from the fact that I garnered a ban by posting the exact same thread. The reason given was that it did not pertain to anime or manga.

So, if one of these threads was previously allowed and even publicly encouraged by a mod, why was I banned for making the same thread?

Please, explain to me how the mods responses, as depicted by this image were anime or manga related.

Are "what are you drinking" and similar blog threads acceptable, or not?
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/a/'s "Board culture"

ID:vTtaQk3P No.336372 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Can we please do away with this shitty-ass excuse for shitposting? Its not even a viable reason, its literally "I know this doesnt belong here but Im doing it anyway".

>ITT: Things you would do with your Imouto
>No, talking about what you would do to your imaginary little sisters is NOT anime related, faglord.
>Imouto threads are /a/-culture though. So FUCK You

While we're at it, can we also get rid of circlejerks or image dumps which could go on other boards too?
>Perfect for /c/
>Perfect for /e/
>Perfect for /soc/
>Perfect for /h/ and /d/
It'd alleviate /a/ somewhat and populate the other boards which is a win-win.
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Air grievances about your main board

ID:LqEB769R No.342071 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
As Festivus is now upon us, let us air grievances about our main boards we go on


I hate how moot, the mods, and the janitors don't give a shit about this board and come in once a day for a few minutes and do a sweeping deletion of off topic threads but allow there no be non-stop off topic threads and porn posted for what seems like 20 hours a day

Maybe 2013 will change things around /sp/, but I doubt it,
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ID:RnbnDzCu No.336170 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
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ID:8753H3Nz No.336545 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Legit videogame threads being deleted because the mod didn't liked the OP images AGAIN.

It's like they completely ignore the fact that they were on-topic and were being discussed nicely with little to none shitposting or off-topic content.
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Built in catalog

ID:ZqkN33FN No.314860 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

This day may be the greatest in 4chan history.
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ID:E5/2ZynP No.164402 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is moot going to do something about the synchtube spammers?

They spam the boards and keep bumping them until they hit the limit. No one ever responds to the threads (which I assumes means no one is interested) and the OP keeps bumping them every 30 seconds

It's incredibly obnoxious since they get posted in every single board, just because you're streaming a video of fat people doesn't mean it belongs on /fit/.
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Censorship on /pol/

ID:Oc1o0aL9 No.324997 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why are threads about pedophilia being deleted on /pol/? I've witnessed two such threads 404 in the last half hour. The first one had a loli dump, so I wasn't surprised or upset that it 404'd, but the second one was pure discussion about pedophilia and its acceptance in society

Pedophilia in the context of society is a political issue. A contentious one to be sure, but no more so than holocaust denial. The board is hardly "Politically Incorrect" if some subjects are taboo. Please straighten things out with your moderators, moot. Thanks.
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janitors removed from /a/

ID:Z7J5nm7s No.308138 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
There is no other explanation for what has happened. Moot hates /a/ with a passion now, and has instructed janitors to begin ignoring circlejerking and rec threads.

Why else does NOTHING get deleted anymore? Moot has probably removed janitors because he's trying to appeal to normalfags now.

Piece of shit. He probably killed Kinomod too, because all he does anymore is sticky the occasional announcement and leave shitposting up for days.
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