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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 32

Be prepared

ID:EaL2sGuQ No.275159 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Just a reminder of the incoming shitstorm. Remember, My Littlest Pet Shop airs with it.
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15 min "janitor" bans

ID:duSM2zHc No.262016 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Is this _really_ the way to solve the issues that 4chan has been facing? The moderators struggle to keep up with the report queue and the vast amounts of shitposting, trolling, rule breaking etc... so they let some random sperglord janitors who are new to the job hand out a 15 min ban to anyone who posts an opinion they disagree with?

I am worried about how easily this will be (and already is being) abused by the janitor staff. Don't like a certain game? Temp ban. Not watching JoJo? Temp ban. Don't follow the herd and spout generic opinions? Temp ban.

Yes, it seems like an easy way for a janitor to win a discussion. Someone posts a dissenting opinion, janitor temp bans them, continues to discuss without the now banned poster.. And if the janitor is questioned about his temp ban abuse, he throws out some lame excuse about just caring too much about board X and just wanting to do his part etc etc

I'm just blowing off some steam I guess, but I sure hope you guys don't get temp banned for no apparent reason and I really hope moot reconsiders this huge step backwards.
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General /v/ discussion

ID:nBv4cm4+ No.243765 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Do you think that /v/ is actually as bad as people make it out to be (/b/2.0)?
Did the creation of /vg/ hurt or help /v/?
What are /v/'s biggest problems in your opinion?
Do you think that the moderation is really that bad?
Ways to possibly improve the state of the board?
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Why are mlp images banned?

ID:qUtnpQt+ No.241193 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I don't get why mlp images are banned.

Can someone explain?

If it's because it's a girly show, then why isn't girly anime banned?

I don't like the horsefuckers, but I see perfectly reasonable on-topic threads/replies get deleted just because they used a pony reaction image.
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Ban loli from /b/

ID:rN/rf+Io No.240301 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
It's obviously illegal in the US:

He got 3 years for possessing loli.

It's illegal in the UK, and a lot of other countries too.

The threads only lead to shitposting/circlejerking anyway.
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Woop woop shitposting

ID:D7ztyBpO No.238023 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Now then for the idiotic actions of the mods, the board of /a/ has suffered something akin to what some people back in the older days would call a raid.
If you truly believe in 4chan as a whole keeping the rule of high quality posts please do not sticky something vaguely related to any board which isn't common knowledge.
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Pony bans, how do they work ?

ID:l77lUm7p No.228676 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Im NOT here to complain about my ban, frankly I don't give a damn.

Im wondering, out of pure curiosity, how the mods act when it comes to banning pony threads on /b/ ? Because I follow /q/'s advice erry day : whenever I see pony shit, I report, hide, sometimes post "reported etc" and move along. My guess is that it's one of those posts that got me banned; do the mods just take the whole bunch of IPs and blindly ban them ? Or was I the only one ?
If the first is true then im proud of them

pic related
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ID:XFbLk6Hc No.221270 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
So is there any possibility of ever getting a new anime board?

If you have to ask why we need one, this thread is not for you. But I'll give you a hint.
A while ago I went to the catalog, clicked on /c/ instead /a/ by accident, and I didn't even notice until I scrolled back up.
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How to deal with tripfags.

ID:r7eOWk04 No.219801 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I propose an invisible black mark system.

1. If a tripcode has been used in more than one thread, then open it to black marking.
2. Users will now be allowed to put a black mark against posts that they don't like coming from this tripcode.
3. If a tripcode receives more than 100 black marks then posting with that tripcode again results in a ban.

Possible problems:
>But won't users be able to ban anyone they don't like?
Yes, that's the point. If someone is being annoying then this small amount of self policing will solve that. Also, it will only work for tripfags - so if you want to avoid it then don't go waving your dick around.
>Why 100 black marks, why not some other number? What about small boards?
That's just a figure I pulled out of my ass, it could work with any figures - perhaps a proportion of that particular board would be a good idea. Just something that means anyone who is liked on the board will be kept, whilst someone who is hated will be dealt with quickly.
>Won't everyone see the black marks?
No, otherwise it'd turn into a weird reddit-type thing. You can put a black mark on a post if you hate it, but this will have no visual effect.

Can't think of any more possible problems right now as it is literally the best idea ever to grace 4chan.
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welcome to the fucking internet

ID:2nsL+c+k No.204177 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>post a the face of a little girl
>banned 90days "because you're a pedophile"
you niggers seriously need to clarify the fucking rules about this shit

>your rights end where my feelings begin
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