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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 33

Censorship Policy?

ID:t9a+Qce2 No.206236 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
4chan doesn't officially support free speech and I don't have a problem with that.

My concern is the censorship of controversial opinions which aren't mentioned in the rules and aren't breaking any law.
Quality control is obviously important for such a large site, but the posts being deleted aren't meaningless gibberish shitpostings or blatant troll threads.

This greatly bothers me because 4chan is the last popular website to offer anonymity AND a general lack of enforced political correctness. It's so important to have a website where users need not be afraid of punishment if they don't water down their beliefs. Free Speech Forums exist but they attract a very homogenous user-base and typical forum politics, whereas 4chan has a larger, eclectic community more suitable for controversial discussion/debate.

So I ask that rule-abiding, law-abiding threads not be deleted for controversial discussions or opinions, whether they're about incest or drugs or pedophilia or abortion.
37 posts and 8 images omitted

How many 4chan passes have been sold?

ID:1RrQ5igQ No.203730 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Did moot ever say how many were sold?
31 posts and 1 image omitted


ID:Mzv4cx05 No.193281 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Using Google's reCAPTCHA as an incentive to purchase services or products without the explicit consent of Google Inc. not only circumvents the intended use of the API (to stop spam), it directly contravenes Google's Terms of Service, and leaves the website operator liable to...

1. Jurisdictional Income Tax & Labour Laws
2. Fees & penalties related to, or in connection with; misrepresentation of the intellectual property of Google Inc., misappropriation of income(s) accrued by the aforementioned violation of User Agreement.
3. Criminal penalties arising from the use of software and/or services which allow a visitor to bypass or circumvent the CAPTCHA for a fee.

In brief, if this website intends to charge for a service, or the removal of a synthetic hindrance (in this case, a CAPTCHA), it may not use Google reCAPTCHA or any Google Inc. API without prior written consent.

4chan Pass is against Google TOS

ID:XOH7GUj+ No.196525 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Using Google's reCAPTCHA as an incentive to purchase services or products without the explicit consent of Google Inc. not only circumvents the intended use of the API (to stop spam), it directly contravenes Google's Terms of Service, and leaves the website operator liable to...

1. Jurisdictional Income Tax & Labour Laws
2. Fees & penalties related to, or in connection with; misrepresentation of the intellectual property of Google Inc., misappropriation of income(s) accrued by the aforementioned violation of User Agreement.
3. Criminal penalties arising from the use of software and/or services which allow a visitor to bypass or circumvent the CAPTCHA for a fee.

In brief, if this website intends to charge for a service, or the removal of a synthetic hindrance (in this case, a CAPTCHA), it may not use Google reCAPTCHA or any Google Inc. API without prior written consent.

Moot deleted this thread :
5 posts omitted

4chan Pass is HIGHLY illegal

ID:2VhQh4jQ No.196254 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Using Google's reCAPTCHA as an incentive to purchase services or products without the explicit consent of Google Inc. not only circumvents the intended use of the API (to stop spam), it directly contravenes Google's Terms of Service, and leaves the website operator liable to...

1. Jurisdictional Income Tax & Labour Laws
2. Fees & penalties related to, or in connection with; misrepresentation of the intellectual property of Google Inc., misappropriation of income(s) accrued by the aforementioned violation of User Agreement.
3. Criminal penalties arising from the use of software and/or services which allow a visitor to bypass or circumvent the CAPTCHA for a fee.

In brief, if this website intends to charge for a service, or the removal of a synthetic hindrance (in this case, a CAPTCHA), it may not use Google reCAPTCHA or any Google Inc. API without prior written consent.


Neptunia Sticky on /v/

ID:TaV5T7+C No.152425 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
/v/ has fallen into deep cancer and JRPG threads are constantly spammed and derailed just because they're from Japan. Our westaboo problem is out of control.

Moot, for the love of god, make a Neptunia sticky on /v/ and blast the theme song for a week or two.
114 posts and 11 images omitted

In Stores: Hitler Did Nothing Wrong

ID:ycL6xbGH No.131910 View ViewReplyOriginalReport


ID:uOh8BGtN No.180340 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
5 posts omitted

mооt рlеаѕе fіх thе СЅЅ оn httр://www.4сhаn.оrɡ/blоɡ/

ID:XTIJJHRI No.156691 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
moot please fix the CSS on