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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 34

I miss 2004

ID:BiUP9QEy No.179386 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I really wish sites like YTMND were still popular. Such sites, though they used shit from here, also made a lot of their own shit, and in that sense had a similar culture to 4chan. YTMND users were still looked down upon of course, just as SA would look down on 4chan, but at the end of the day we still shared a similar viewpoint on original content, and the importance of creating and expanding on it. In the end, they made for good immigrants.

Now what do we have beyond aggregator websites whose only OC is very terrible webcomics, and I'm not just talking about Reddit.

In the end, it makes for a soulless internet culture, and that's something felt through all of 4chan. What other sites even produce content today that aren't more *chans?
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/jp/ shitposting alert

ID:bfgJkMcF No.143575 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Where the hell are the /jp/ janitors and mods?

The board is full of those retarded "would you suck it" shitposting since hours.

You should find new janitors and MORE of them, because the current one must be incapable or just offline.
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4chan API

ID:VAf3YbzX No.152233 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What about a 4chan API?

I imagine that 4chan browser addons can look up if a thread has new posts without loading the whole thread.
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Quest Thread Drama on /tg/

ID:S8A9417o No.167627 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
The main complaint from people who don't like quest threads on /tg/ is that due to their nature (OP posts block of text and everyone reading the thread posts a reply) quest threads tend to stay at the top of the board. Now some people are too dumb to make use of one of the catalogs that show every thread on the board at the same time, so how about this:

QUEST MODE checkbox for making a thread: Just like the Spoiler Image checkbox, the OP would have the option of checking this when making a thread. Only the OP posts would bump the thread, and posts from anyone else would essentially be sageposts. This would create a dramatic reduction in the amount of bumps that a quest thread got (which would mean other posts wouldn't be knocked off of page 0), and the quest threads could remain active without any threat of falling off the back page.

The mods have already made clear several (dozen) times that quest threads are /tg/-related, so clearly any option to "fix" the drama surrounding them needs to involve keeping them on the board.

Thank you.
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/jp/ status - ☑NOT SAVED

ID:JiW+U4ui No.173248 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm really sorry for everyone involved, alas, Janitor selection was a failure so far for /jp/. Nothing has changed.

It's the same shitty board where spurdos and retarded people come to troll and shit all over frontpage during morning GMT time without any limits.

I don't know what kind of fucking selection system do 4chan mods and you, moot, use but it certainly isn't very different in here and I don't like it at all, this is not why we needed Janitors, we certainly don't need more American/Canadian ones, we needed more to control them during this time, not just to fill slots and tell them to go to sleep when we most need them.









Threads like these open all days at this hour and they never stop coming, they should be deleted and posters possibly punished, however, they go unpunished.

Please, don't leave this unresolved, we really need help and these Janitors aren't working, do something else!
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Viruses in /g/?

ID:uIXVvURX No.172752 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I didn't realize it was possible, but apparently avast just protected me from certain death from some virus I would have received if I loaded page 5 in /g/.
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muh applications

ID:hc8rBO8M No.168411 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>Janitor applications will be open on Sunday, for only 24 hours.
>It's now Sunday
>Janitor applications are still not open
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ID:HT7THK5z No.131096 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

Everytime I try to look at an image on 4chan, I get this.

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``Better moderation''

ID:A5bRm+gL No.154506 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
ITT: We discuss the news post that was just published less than three minutes ago.
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Futaba/Burichan Issues

ID:lXOdxbHy No.21991 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I just have a minor and hopefully easily rectifiable complaint: when a page loads, it loads in Yotsuba first, then changes over to Burichan. This is really obnoxious when using /vg/ or posting in large stickies, because if I post something with noko, it'll go to that post while in Yotsuba, then scroll a large distance away from it, which makes finding posts in large threads obnoxious. Would it be possible that if you have Futaba/Burichan selected as your board style that it doesn't load first in Yotsuba?

Also, sometimes my pages seem to forget what style I chose. Is there any reason for this? Could I possibly just have an option under Settings to set boards to a single global style?
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