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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 120

YUMES [dream journal]

No.2627013 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Any interesting dreams /qa/?
179 posts and 28 images omitted

No.2695180 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So do you do anything to pass your time or is it just work work work? Do play any video games? I would suggest that konosuba jrpg game. I recently played a few weeks ago and it was a good time passer.

No.2694997 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
New thread!
How many colored squares do you see?

No.2695123 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey I was trying to show this to >>2694019 >>2694657 , jeez you are so rude!
Also no game name for you!

No.2693475 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The /qa/ md5 list has been updated again.
Previous updates have been merged into one list:
Here is today's update:

If you're new to /qa/, this is a list of md5 image filters to place into 4chan X to automatically hide posts or threads that contain said images. This is a list centered around shitpost avatars such as frogs, feelman (all variants), andy sixx, goldface, mutt, barneyfag bait, barneyfag himself, facebook thinking faces, and possibly more I can't remember.
I don't have any plans to separate the list into categories as it started as a personal thing; the odds of missing a good post with this filter is statistically insignificant.
Let's have a good time on /qa/!

Also, in a future update there will be a more advanced filtering method thanks to an additional feature ccd0 has added to 4chan X's beta.
15 posts and 8 images omitted

No.2693107 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Error: You cannot delete this post.
Excuse me? Can we not delete our own posts now?

No.2691892 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

No.2690854 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why do majority of the people think we're living in the patriarchy when we're in fact living in a heavily instituionalized matriarchy?
3 posts and 1 image omitted

No.2684702 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Am I rangebanned?
1 post omitted

No.2684644 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
There are those who were covered with mud and blood, and decay penetrated into their soul.

Who would dare speak to them?
Who would find the soft words, the most delicate, most tender words, that could get through to them?
Who could make himself understood by them as sign and banner so that they would think it worth while to listen?

Perhaps God himself will seek them out, deep in the night--when only thieves and crazy lovers are about--in a dream, in a smile, in a vague memory.