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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 124

No.2634754 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
When did you discover 4chan, /qa/?
401 posts and 115 images omitted

No.2638031 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Who is ACK?
100 posts and 46 images omitted

No.2631193 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
No frogs allowed in this thread.
62 posts and 44 images omitted

4chan Happenings Thread

!I53PaYay6o No.2613018 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
ITT: Interesting and unusual stuff that's happening on the boards you visit.

Last: >>2603530
425 posts and 27 images omitted

No.2595968 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
How do we save this board /qa/?
374 posts and 49 images omitted

No.2607982 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The seasonal stream continues at 7PM EST (11PM GMT/UST) as in under 30 minutes from now!
2 posts omitted

No.2593995 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why does Futabachan let you post innocent pictures of little kids while here it results in strict permabans...
1 post omitted

No.2594727 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Don't wave your /qa/ in front of lolis like that, it makes them feel all funny.

Can someone please explain "ACK" "SEAN" and "AKAMI"

No.2593707 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I happen to not have liked or cared much about anime from 2009-2014; as such I stopped using 4chan as much, but especially /a/.
Sure, I still watched some shows, but we are talking a show every couple months (at one point it was a year) or so, and backlog shows were all I watched.
As such, I have had no fucking idea what this "AKAMI" shit is. I first saw the sean shit back in 2016, I think, but couldn't find much and didn't care too much; so I left it at some idiot spamming "SEAN" for some stupid reason.
Then I saw >>184355088 today, and its a dumpster fire I cant stop watching.

Since off topic discussion is banned on /a/, and my attempts to ask what the fuck this drama is over there failed: what the fuck is this shit?
120 posts and 23 images omitted

IRC Detectives

No.2590175 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
ITT: We join #4chan irc on rizon and pick one (1) user to shadow. See how much you can learn about their personality and interests and then report back in this thread.

Pic related is the most active users.
3 posts and 1 image omitted