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Recent downtime was due to a network issue. Posts were still scraped during this time. Search is working again!
I want a moderator to finally fucking address this. There's a jealous, autistic janitor on /vp/ that delets threads at will, mostly because he wants to be the one to start new threads.
He makes copies of my threads, minutes later, and deletes my version because it wasn't made by him. Look. The only reason I'm not getting banned is probably because he can't ban me. If this shit doesn't stop I'm taking it to whoever owns 4chan these days. I'm paying for a 4chan account and this is the kind of service I'm getting.
Welcome to the /qa/ cafe. Pull up a chair. What's on your mind? Post some relaxing images and relaxing music and let's take it easy, okay?
Silly Scrouge, I wasn’t spamming! Shoulda stuck with the ban evasion! Hope you’re enjoying Christmas with your family, I’ll still be here after Christmas!
So when will mentioning, linking to or otherwise promoting discord be a bannable offense? I've been here for quite some time and I have never seen a single website impact the quality of this shithole as hard as the advent of discord. Discord has essentially turned every general-style thread on 4chan into complete and utter dumpster fires. As someone who has inhabited many various generals across many boards over the years, I have watched as one by one, they are systematically destroyed from the inside by dedicated groups of shitposters, namefags and other ilk colluding on discord. Discord is quite literally a cancer. I genuinely believe discord will be the final nail in 4chan's eternal coffin.
Who is celebrating /qa/hristmas in the /qa/ /qa/bin? What decorations does the tree have this year? And what is that delicious smell wafting in from the kitchen?