Donations to the archive would be appreciated to help fund our server hardware & storage drives. We are looking for developers to help build new software and archives, discuss here.
Planned network provider replacement will occur with downtime the entire day of 2/16 or 2/17.
the posting with my friends /qa/ straight from the soul /qa/, the never pretends /qa/ I hate the new /qa/, the bad mood /qa/ the always rude /qa/, the obsessed with (you)s /qa/ I miss the sweet /qa/, the comfy NEETs /qa/ I gotta say, at that time I'd love to meet /qa/ I used to love /qa/, I used to love /qa/ I even had the Sachiko daki, I thought I was /qa/! What if /qa/ made a thread about /qa/ Called "I miss the old /qa/" Man! that'd be so /qa/! That's all it was /qa/, we still love /qa/ and I love you like /qa/ loves /qa/
The /qa/ ice cream resumes on Saturday the 2nd with 13 more flavors of Nichijou! I was too lazy to make the poll thread for starting time so it's the same: 7pm EST (11PM GMT)
I love you /qa/ Even though most of the time I post I'm responded to with ridicule and scorn you really are great, and mean a lot to me. I can feel good times approaching, just you wait.
Sometimes I really miss forums. Anonymity is great, but sometimes I think the old BBS system handled certain things better like slow discussion that could exist at the same time as fast discussion. What do you think?