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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 182

boards down general #289

No.1969269 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
fuck you
381 posts and 150 images omitted

No.1138519 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
This is just a test it might not work:

Newfigs can't orangetext<

Did it work?

No.1959366 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
how would you fix 4chan if you were in place of hiromoot?

1. remove /pol/ and [r9k]
2. periodically chemo the other boards with stuff like cotton eyed joe, harmony harmony or polharbor
3. harder chemo for boards with bigger overlap with /pol/ and [r9k]
4. legalise GETs
5. phoneposting ban
6. local bans come along with a shorter global ban to discourage crossboard shitposting

pic unrelated
220 posts and 26 images omitted

No.1958115 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Fuck mods
56 posts and 8 images omitted

No.1963266 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
/qa/ is being raided...
33 posts and 8 images omitted

No.1958141 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Literally why is this thread still up. It has no discussion going on and it's just horsefuckers falseflagging as Barneyfag to keep it bumped. Fucking delete it already you moron.
10 posts omitted

No.1958030 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why does Trevor keep inviting /qa/ people to no-you but then he lets it turn into a pol9k shithole like GNFOS? Doesn't he realize we don't like that kind of shit here?
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No.1956978 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
sit down, I'm going to tell you a bit about /qa/. it all started when moot made a QnA. he was leaving 4chan and created this place for anons to express their complains with this website and hopefully a mod would read it. the mods didn't really give a fuck about this board and just stayed on IRC, so this just became a very slow meta board. then, sometime later /jp/edos got tired of their jannie's bullshit and sat camp here as this board was mostly unused. the line of history gets a little blurry at this point, but then came /mlpol/. or maybe I should say, then came /mlpol/'s deletion. for the same reasons as /jp/, they sat camp here. there were a lot more of them than /jp/edos though, so they could easily fill up the whole board with ponies, something which broke 2 global rules, no flooding and no ponies outside /mlp/. /qa/ then got frozen for a few days and many people thought that was the end for this board, but surprisingly, it got unfrozen a few days later. a group of frog posters then came in that just really hated /jp/, so they purposefully made frog threads to piss them off.

now lets talk about why you shouldn't come here. if you visit /qa/, you will either right from the beginning join /jp/'s side or the frog poster's side. both sides are in a constant stand by mode where they just make threads and ignore each other, up until one of them fires a bullet, then this becomes a war zone. this can happen at any given time. if you have the misfortune of visiting in the middle of the crossfire, you'll end up getting way too into it. this kind of shit will eat your soul, it will turn you into a bad human being, like you won't be able to function in real life! when you wake up from bed, the first thing you'll do is check /qa/ to make sure that the opposing group it losing. its over all a bad time for everyone.

if you can still leave, do it! don't waste your time here. literally do ANYTHING else that doesn't involve /qa/.
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No.1375664 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
*eats cake in a detective-y way*
1 post omitted

No.1957191 View ViewReplyOriginalReport