Donations to the archive would be appreciated to help fund our server hardware & storage drives. We are looking for developers to help build new software and archives, discuss here.
Planned network provider replacement will occur with downtime the entire day of 2/16 or 2/17.
I strongly urge 4chan to review whoever is on the moderation team on /g/ who is abusing their moderation powers to censor criticism of Google on 4chan. This is not the first time it has happened, and it should go without saying that even if the SJW brigade mass reports a thread they should be ignored as this is not reddit where you can just downvote brigade posts you don't want to see.
Why are /a/ mods such horrendous pieces of shit? Why are they so desperate to turn this +18 site into a baby safespace were any slightly sexual pic gets deleted? I swear fags, whenever I notice lack of mod activity on /a/, I will randomly dump porn and bestiality.
Meek and lowly 8gag fags have been constantly getting destroyed by /qa/. They've been reduced to human furniture and they're still mounting their laughable assault. This contest is not even remotely competitive. 8gaggers, return to your one bunk, one-room roach motel with whatever dignity you have left. Go back there. Your credibility as a threat to this board vanished when you indicated you would be relying on a cartoon frog designed by an autistic left-wing nutcase. Since it's been made abundantly clear you can't win, you should disengage from your wartime autism. This means putting away your towering mountain of chips, candy and Debbie cakes. Yes, I'm talking about that booming insect condo you've got laying in the middle of your room. This means cleaning the buffalo wing sauce off your monitor. This means washing your cum-drenched basketball shorts. This means opening your blinds. This means doing something productive as a bipedal bean bag chair that takes up space and steals oxygen from worthier life forms. I don't have a horse in this race, but as a concerned neutral observer, I feel I must implore you to cease these attacks. You're outmatched and it was never any fun anyway watching well-developed grown men beat up on quadriplegic children. For the sake of your mental health, step away before you fully and irredeemably humiliate yourselves. That chimichanga-inhaling brown whale whom you went balls deep with this mission for will not reward you for what you're attempting to do. She will not put out and you will be left with your dicks in your hands like the silly disposable toy soldiers you are. It's time to turn off the computer and say hi to mom, 8faggers. She wants to see how much you've grown from the last time she laid eyes on you and I don't mean your bulging waistline either. It's time to take back your life and quit this futile pursuit while you still have your pride.