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These are the scum that have tried to take over this board from regular, right wing /pol/ users and others on 4chan. As predicted, they've chosen to ride out the meta announcement. Thing is, there won't be a return to simpler times. /qa/ will remain the meta board for the foreseeable future. If there's one thing we know about this site, it's that there's no shortage of complaints and people who think they know what's best. Both will be funneled here from now on. Fundamentally speaking, this means the board they want can't ever materialize. They'll be locked into an eternal stealth bump and thread slide battle against unlimited complainers and metaposters. This is the path that lies before them. /qa/ will always contain the remnants of the weeb mafia, but 2DR is now much further away than it was in 2016 and 2017. They haven't been able to put together a good argument for it and they're not getting it here with the new policies. Basically, they're up shit creek without a paddle.
BEAR IN MIND FOR THE FUTURE: Taking over /bant/ is another item in their agenda. They were able to infiltrate that board early last Spring and grow roots, but the community is beginning to catch on. The spamming is becoming harder to ignore and the way it's done has the weeb mafia's fingerprints all over it. Cirnofags are simply another family in the crime organization. Now /s4s/, believe it or not, is not a preferred destination, but a retreat. The long game is turning that board into a namefag-laden shitposting circus, but /qa/ and /bant/ is where the lion's share of their resources are dedicated right now. I wonder if /s4s/ and /bant/ are smart enough to connect the dots and see the picture frogs did months ago.
I've experienced this previously, heard from it from others, and seen it in action. Can someone explain to me why it's not acceptable to post pictures of cute kids on 4chan? I understand and agree you can't post (((models))) or anything illegal but I've seen censoring of people who simply post cute kids from instagram (pic related) as reaction images or just to convey something.
So long as you aren't saying lewd things in regards to the photograph or it's truly violating DOST (or includes nudity) I don't see the purpose in this. I know lads from some IRC's I'm in that have gotten an "idiot pedophile" ban for this despite definitely not being pedophiles and never advocating/promoting child-adult sex.
Am I just retarded or has anyone else noticed this? It's not just a 4chan thing either, it seems like pictures of kids is unacceptable everywhere and this isn't how it used to be. What's the deal?
To clarify: Can someone explain to me why posting a picture of a child automatically makes you a pedophile now'a'days? I've had conversations/threads derailed by idiots screaming because I posted a single picture of a child and I'd like some insight on what makes these mouth-breathers behave like they do.