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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 211

No.1645264 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Old /qa/ friends, please use this thread to talk about where we go from here. We're all aware of other imageboards, and with the looming end of CAPTCHA V1 at the beginning of 2018 the end of me being on 4chan was already inevitable.
What do you think? Does anyone here know how to make a temporary board to talk things out?
138 posts and 23 images omitted


No.1027882 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Recently, I have been considering that I might want to make my own image board.

What is the best way to discourage both shitposting and general discussion posts?

Would word filters work? Must I delete them on a case by case basis? Or should I send them to a containment board?
16 posts and 3 images omitted

Welcome to /qa/

## Admin No.1654853 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Welcome to /qa/ - Question & Answer.

This is a board for the discussion of meta topics and … other things.
Outside of meta, this board has no specific theme and you are free to be yourself! Please note all global rules are in-force here."
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No.1234589 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I just want my 2D/Random board. Why is everyone always so against one? You already have a pony board, a political board, and a board you can post pony porn on, we get nothing.
224 posts and 51 images omitted

/qa/ bunker needed NOW

No.1644032 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
/qa/ escape plans. We just got the header link and the last time happened /qa/ was killed.
Where are going now? We need a board STAT!
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No.1648829 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Do 2D/random fags actually believe they're the "old /qa/"?
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Holy Cleansing Fire

No.1638747 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
ITT we summon Asuka
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4chan is oficially dead and this killed it

No.1648317 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
my life is over, it's just..over. I have no where to post. this was it, this was the last refuge, I finally found it, and now it's being marginalized to a containment board. I hate my life right now. I haveto actually meet people now. this is the official death of the internet, I just want to let you were cool 4chan. you usedto be COOL and now you're not degenerate, you are not shit, you're just, like everyone else. and that's even literally suck major cock,FUCK YOU.I don't know why you damn bastards are so adamant about keeping everything on fucking topic.HOW IN THE FUCK CAN WE SAY ANYTHING ANYMORE?"oh that's off topic" what's ON topic you idiot?you want us all to conform to this shit when we are here because you were the only damn people left who weren't TOTAL ASSFUCKS who are o-c-d cuck shit fag assmotherfucking communists who silence anyone with an actual opinion or who just want to fucking talk about whatever they want. but now,there's THIS shit. this fucking shit. FUCK this man. you literally killed this entire website,this is the last post,everyone is going to leave once they see this bullshit that you kikes just made.I wish you would've just shut the damn website down instead of THIS.this is worse then death, this is literally turning into google. is google funding you? SHUT THE FUCK UP THAT WAS RHETORICAL,you are cowards and I loved this website and now you've ruined it as you've ruined every site I've ever seen you know, how many damn boards I've been on in my short lifetime online?I'm 24.I've been on three boards.and on those boards, I've had ten accounts each, and that's because I was banned again,and again for their shit rules,and I could never just say what I wanted to anyone because those fucks kept silencing me,and now I finallyfind a place that respects people and now you bend over backwards for some shekels,well, I hope you're boozing it up before you get dirty motherfucking whore.
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No.1647868 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Can you really say you "took care of it", if it just happens again?
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No.1646323 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why aren't the mods deleting the spam?
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