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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 219

The Melancholy of the Alt Right

No.960709 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

“I’m Haruhi Suzumiya, from East Junior High. First off, I’m not interested in ordinary people. But, if any of you are aliens, time-travelers, or espers, please come see me. That is all!”

Neon Genesis Evangelion is said to have captured the hearts of a generation of Japanese, but Japanese generations are different from American generations. The American millennials pondered over Evangelion, but the real message that spoke to them was that of Haruhi Suzumiya.

Why is Haruhi’s story so “melancholy?” Haruhi sees the world as a broken promise to her. Those who told her that life for its own sake is valuable were lying to her: she is just a single, meaningless body among the thousands cheering at the baseball stadium. The protagonist, her male friend Kyon, sees this with jaded eyes: “You can’t do anything about what doesn’t exist. In the end humans settle for what’s in front of them.” But Haruhi finds that answer unacceptable. That rejection, much more than Haruhi’s actual supernatural abilities, seems to electrify the protagonist. What is this thing that moves her? What does she know and what is she going to do about it?

This is the key to the lifeworld of American millennials. It is not that they were born into a time when life was especially difficult — although, as a simple fact of human existence, life is always difficult. It is that they reject as unacceptable the disenchanted society of “ordinary people” that was offered to them. Myths and legends whisper to them that life can be more interesting, more exciting, more lifelike than what the Establishment and System demand. There is something strange within us that demands change.
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No.500765 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Why isn't he perma banned yet? He is still shitposting everyday to this day.

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4chan is being watched

No.1380490 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
/g/ made an unsettling discovery

Can we get a mod's comment on this?
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No.1377744 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
If you post degenerate anime shit, it's time to get out and go back on reddit. Your kind isn't welcome on this site.

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No.1364427 View ViewReplyOriginalReport


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No.1317957 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What kind of fetishes do you have?
Have you ever speculated why you have them?
I like socks, skirts and navels, dunno why.
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No.1364013 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>feelio when found Troid's MLP collection and shoved his toys up my shitepipe

No.804815 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Pardon my language, as I realize it doesn't help, but:

Why's the ``/jp/'' janitor so defensive about his faggot general?

It's one thing to delete posts, but submitting a ban request to mute me hours later because I said something he didn't like is pretty stupid. It's not even IN the general in question. And it has to be this post in particular, because nothing else I've wrote anywhere has been deleted, not even in the same thread.

And how is this a violation of rule 3?
When are you going to fire this janitor for submitting false ban requests all the time? (They tend to try muting whomever's post they delete, usually on /jp/ rule 1 whenever that's not too flaky like this time)

It's not like I'm just saying buzzwords, it's an actual observation using words they use. They were having some serious shit flinging argument about something when I went to see why they posted that thread outside of their general. Every one of the (admittedly like 4) times I've looked at it before too, they were always yelling at each other about something and seem to never calm down.

Meanwhile the janitor can't even remove actual rule breaking content from the board for patrolling general threads and deleting posts they don't like from other threads and every post replying to that post, even a day later. I mean they would rather moderate posts in a fucking spam thread than do a proper job like removing >>>/jp/16049162 and >>>/jp/16049996
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No.1358371 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
or comment
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No.978318 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
is it just me or has 4chan become slightly less racist since trump won?
what a surprise i guess this is a contrarian website after all
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