Donations to the archive would be appreciated to help fund our server hardware & storage drives. We are looking for developers to help build new software and archives, discuss here.
Planned network provider replacement will occur with downtime the entire day of 2/16 or 2/17.
>/pol/ is as fast or faster than /b/ since the election >4chan is now 88th most visited site in the US and 258th worldwide (about a year ago it was ~1000th) and most of the new traffic is /pol/ >the mods had to make a new board to reduce the traffic on /pol/ and redirect some of the shitposts >~95% of /pol/acks are newfags from reddit, youtube, facebook and twitter thanks to ecelebs like Sargon of Akkad and Milo Yiannopoulos and their fans advertising this place >people on those sites and even irl are acting like 4chan and /pol/ memes are a of badge of honor >cringeworthy nonsense like "praise kek" and "free kekistan" that was funny for a day and was perpetrated by /r/the_donald and Sargon of Akkad is now accepted on /pol/ >frases like "weaponized autism" and "meme magic" are so overused by outsiders they're cringe inducing and yet people still use them on /pol/ >there was a guy on /pol/ a week ago who didn't know how to reply to a post, someone literally told him to click on the post number and nobody called him out for being a mentally handicapped newfag >there are people on /pol/ right now who throw around the term "shill" as some kinda general insult without knowing what it means and worst of all >the cancer is spilling into other boards
Do staff ever report each other for shitposting on it? Like if a janitor reports another only a mod could answer it? And mods reporting mods is taken to the Admin?
Why is modern 4chan so hostile to any anime/manga with high testoterone content (doesnt have to be manime or even have a male MC, pic related) that isn't Dragonball? I mean, I know /m/ exists but they're pretty limited to science fiction I don't recall it ever being the most popular stuff, but this open, highly irrational disdain is something new Please don't tell me it's "toxic", now?