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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 232

4chan happenings or whatever thread: I doubt anyone cares edddtion

No.1247285 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
ITT: We talk about interesting stuff all over 4chan. Happenings that are nice to know about.

Last time I guess: >>1226021

What's the point? Both /jp/ and /mlpol/ are going to kill this thread again anyway. The is one of the last true /qa/ threads and I just don't care at this point.
11 posts and 4 images omitted


No.783054 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What are you listening to /qa/?

I'm currently listening to this:
31 posts and 2 images omitted

No.1245611 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
who oberstein here
11 posts and 7 images omitted

Pachelbel mysql select database

No.1192740 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
am I decreasing the website perfomance?
39 posts and 1 image omitted

No.1234028 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hey.. I have to go to the bathroom. Can you watch over my milk for me while I'm gone?
330 posts and 142 images omitted

No.1199738 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Can we have a thread for the strongest 2hu?
308 posts and 154 images omitted

No.1201873 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Believe in /qajp/.
23 posts and 8 images omitted

No.1248882 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Always rember to REPORT GR15 violations

No.1239740 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How well can /qa/ dance?

It's time to find True Love, /qa/!

No.1247109 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
NOTE: There is nudity and sex in this if you're successful.
It's time to play a classic dating sim, dudes. There were two votes for True Love and one vote for Lost Paradise. We can play Lost Paradise another time, but for now let's play True Love.
Here is the link to the in-browser version: (I think it uses java?)
Protip: Hold control and then roll the mousewheel up (or hit + on numpad) and you can lower enlarge the window for the game. Mousewheel down and numpad - will do the reverse.
If any of you have played Persona 3 or I think 4 you should understand dating sims pretty well already. You select things to do for the day to increase your stats or relationship level with girls. Your starting personality just determines which stats you start with, but you can always choose to raise different ones. Different girls like different stats. One of the options for the day is "Promise", which is when you promise to meet a girl on a specific date and you need to select that to meet her.
I hope this thread can survive for at least a few days as we play the game and upload screenshots of our progress. Try not to spoil major things for others.
54 posts and 19 images omitted