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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 234

literally fucking why?

No.1241651 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>endchan /mlpol/ has 50 faggots posting on it
>worse format than fucking reddit
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No.1240270 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What's the /qajp/ opinion on fucking with the mods a bit.

Staying at /qa/ is a losing battle and it seems like mods will obey the largest occupying force.
We can't build a culture if we have to bump non stop.
Let's move to another unoccupied board and see what happens.

Thoughts ?
1 post omitted

otaku general

No.1239928 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
hi otaku

come here to be otaku

enjoy your time!!!!
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No.1236759 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
this is a thread with an opening image of suiseiseki, the character in rozen maiden which repeats desu really often.
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No.1239951 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Kek. The /jp/ autist spamming the gross porn is getting pretty mad.
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ITT: We post downfalls of boards in this format

No.1236859 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
History of /a/'s downfall
2006 - Haruhi airs bringing Gaia Online users to /a/.
2007 - 4chan becomes known to normalfags thanks to /b/.
2009 - Shounen Jump threads begin to become tolerated.
2010 - An organized group of tripfags form an IRC group dedicated to killing /a/. They spread the word about /a/'s existence across cancer ridden websites such as MAL. By this point most other boards are already infested with normalfags.
2011 - A large number of anime popular with normalfags air at once causing a massive influx of new posters in a short time. This is the year /a/ truly started going to shit.
2014 - 4chan gets another influx of normalfags thanks to /pol/. By this point /a/ already has permanent Naruto, Bleach, and One Piece generals. The popularity of JoJo, Kill la Kill,
2016 - A mainline Code Geass sequel is announced. Newfriends promise they will forcibly attempt to recreate moments they've only witnessed in screencaps.
2017 - 4chan continues to grow in popularity. Most threads on /a/ are variations of the same 5 memes. ANN, bloggers, and anime reviewers on Youtube are considered reputable sources of information. Anime continues to gain popularity with normalfags causing more to end up on /a/. With the release of the Hollywood adaptations of Death Note & Ghost in the Shell, cross boarders have begun to use /a/ to complain about Western social issues. Users from /v/ have repurposed their console war shitposting into studio war shitposting.
The future is bleak.
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So, what should be /mlpol/'s next step on our master plan?

No.1237986 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
So far, i've seen some of you guys try to communicate with the mods through the IRC Chat, and some of you tried to tweet Hiro-san about the saving of the board, and some of you even made polls... Did any of that even work? Well, what's should be our next approach? I suggest we find an alternate method of communicating with Hiro-san. Stay determined, folks.
108 posts and 35 images omitted

/mlpol/ is kill

No.1235331 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
where were you when /mlpol/ is kill?
358 posts and 152 images omitted

No.1238185 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
True /qa/ぐや stand together
8 posts omitted

No.1221735 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
*flap flap*
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