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So /mlpol/ I was wondering something. If the board does get unfrozen how are we going to bring word to those who liked the board but went back to their drab existence on their original board? The number of people occupying this board is shrinking as people leave to go to their original home. If we post on those boards that its up we'll get bombarded with all kinds of shit on /mlpol/. Is it just going to have to be our little secret, known only to us autists and those who fled to endchan?
I'll make it clear right away, I'm by no means an oldfag here. But during my short time on 4ch, I've awfully regularly encountered other Anons, who were reminiscing on the past, on how the grass used to be greener, and so on. But the funny part of this, the only recurring theme of those stories - were mods being an insufferable cunts, antagonising the user base for seemingly no particular reason. And it makes you think.
/mlp/ went through literally 2.5 waves of a furious "scruffeing" /pol/ was in a steady decline, as soon as it turned from /news/, and many /pol/acks blamed the jews [spoiler:lit]-mods[/spoiler:lit] for it Now I come to /qa/ and see people here, who call /jp/ a "jannies palace" and say that they don't want to be there...
So, a simple question arises: are we, /pol/ and /mlp/, /qa/ and /jp/ - the greatest of eachothers foes? Or is there something, that unites us?
Prove me wrong, /mlpolqajp/. Prove me wrong, because I'm not happy to be right...
Why do mods pretend to ignore /qa/ when they're clearly moderating it, even if it's just a little? Are they unable to delete boards made by moot or something? Is that why they refuse to enforce real moderation and somewhat ignore the board? Because it's all the can do?
I feel really sad for /qa/, since I've been here since its creation. I've seen every stage of the board and watching it suffer like this while I can do nothing about it makes me really sad. Dunno if anyone cares, I just wanted to take it out somewhere.
I hope someday we can all meet again in a real 2D/Random board.
Here is a fun game. I want you to ignore this thread. But I also love attention. So, if you ignore this thread, I win. And if you lost a reply, I also win. You faggots can't beat me.