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Search downtime was due to a upstream network provider issue, workaround found. Posts are still scraped during this time.

Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 236

No.1011854 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What's a t**nbro?
3 posts and 1 image omitted

/qtπ/ general

No.556 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
My question: Will /feedback/ become more active? Will there be a way to report bugs to replace the "plz fix mot!" ?

* Client-side text length warning doesn't reflect actual length limit on server. Can fix with ".replace(/[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]/g, '_').length"
* Countdown clock freezes when adding an image, in cases where an image reply is allowed 30 seconds sooner, but the clock was already below 30 seconds.
* Can we please save custom catalog CSS in preferences, or have it share CSS with the "Custom CSS" in regular/thread view?
* Changing the "Choose File" width from 215px; to 130px; (to fit the [post] button) makes "No file chosen" truncate to "No...n" for Chrome, and cover the post button in Firefox, on spoiler boards.
* Sometimes [auto] on the quick reply posts 1 second too early.
* If you have "[x] Don't Spoiler Images - Show image thumbnail and original filename instead of spoiler placeholders" checked in your thread preferences (NOT catalog preferences) then the thumbnail is broken on [s4s]! It points to an invalid URL.
* Inline cross-board links reset the character count for <wbr> insertion, meaning you can make very long lines without a space to wrap at.
* Checkboxen in the Catalog settings don't have a <label> tag wrapping the text. Have to click the little box.
* Sometimes when replying to a thread, you can create a (1) at the top, that can't be dismissed until someone else replies, or you refresh.
* If green-checkmark captcha fails (why?), no way to refresh other than: wait for session expire, reload page, reload quick reply.
* Some threads, when archived, are only a single blank post.
* If you hover over the date/time when it is at the very top of the page, the "ago" tooltip is off the page.

No.553 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Getting my post number that's less than 1,000 and achieving oldfag status on the soon to be deceased /qa/ board, don't mind me.
48 posts and 9 images omitted

the bongo lady

No.1233776 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
51 posts and 9 images omitted

No.476 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad

First Christmas Without M00t

No.390015 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
22 posts and 6 images omitted