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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 237


No.290 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
/mu/ here and were gonna miss ya!

Whats your favorite album?

No.491935 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why are there never any kid actors in porn? I don't mean any ''kid porn actors'', more there to make some atmosphere.
10 posts and 2 images omitted


No.803367 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Be me, 15, no-life who sits around all day getting high and playing games and watching YouTube. I've had sex before believe it or not. Anyways, I live in a shitty town with no hangouts and a ton of old people. Essentially a place where you would retire to at an old age. What do I do to make some good friends? Seriously... All I want is a friend or two and I don't know how to achieve that goal. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance for your time.


No.79557 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What's /qa/'s opinion on ghostposting -that is, the posts being made on the archive sites rather than the site (mostly the foolz-styled ones)? Ghost posting only misses images after all.
I reckon some boards ghostpost quite a bit, while other barely seem to acknowledge that the archive exists. /a/, /jp/, and /tg/ seem to be the most active ghost boards, the other being mostly ranting at mods and random late replies.
So: do you ghostpost and why? Why don't you?
46 posts and 3 images omitted

No.475053 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
spics get out edition

No.196 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
1. Is there any guarantee that the priorities of the new administrators will be in line with mot's? I.e., if they receive a buyout offer in a few days will they take it?

2. On a related note, how sensitive will the new administrators be to the preferences and opinions of the community?

3. Do wrestling threads belong on /sp/?

!P8Judn6AjQ No.155 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
in your opinion, when did /v/ die?

why didn't you listen to me when i told you we needed a competitive gaming board?

why did you pull the plug on what was the last bastion of open gaming discussion on the internet?

What boards have the dumbest mods and janitors?

No.535118 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I vote for tv. the moderation here is highly subjective, from thread deleted to actual bans justified has against the rules, when there are still standing other threads and posts obviously against the rules. Apparently, the janitors watching during european hours are not the brightest on earth. The laxity is obvious during the american hours.

Second are the janitors from /his/.
26 posts and 3 images omitted