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but ill make a new one, basically this thread is about ranting about the shitty /pol/ moderation, even tho it has slightly improved, much shit still has to fall of the catalog to get deleted
Its been almost one year now since Hiro purchased this site, and nothing significant has changed at all. Despite a few new boards, the most serious changes, such as moderation overhaul and a crackdown on shitposting have not happened. In fact moderation is at its worst right now, with boards such as /vp/ and /o/ getting constantly raided, with moderation doing absolutely nothing. In fact some believe the moderators are encouraging shitposting, and may in fact know some of them. Hiro you promised 4chan was going to be "for us". Instead its more like its "for the mods". Change was supposed to happen, and yet you have honestly done nothing to fix the major problems this site has.
We are sick and tired of god awful moderation from people who not only are power hungry assholes, but from mods who simply despise the userbase on here and refuse to communicate with us because they despise transparency. I don't even know if you're gonna read this, but things need to start changing around here. I know YOU think the mods are doing a good job, but that's what they're telling you. The users on here however disagree. If you take a look at boards like /int/ and /tv/, you will some of the worst moderation on this entire site.
If you cannot overhaul the moderation system on here, meaning if you cannot drive out the mods who are not doing their job, not give mods their own unique ID's to identify them, and lay down the law as site admin, 4chan is not going to change at all. You admitted you didn't buy this site to make a profit, since you know you can't. But fuck Hiro at least try and fix the major problems on here, starting with moderation. Other sites, such as 8ch have moderation that is run by people who actually care about their boards, unlike these "global" mods who couldn't care less.
>why the hell is this a general? Many people have had complaints about /co/'s mods over the years and none of them have ever been answered for. The only thing that seems to help is having a thread up on /qa/ as it causes the staff to back off. This general is an attempt to maintain relative peace on /co/ and catalog all the issues that Anons have had.
Please contribute any links you have to discussion that is relevant and/or content that you believe was unfairly deleted. This general will receive a new thread when it hits page 10 normally or when it hits page 6 if it's autosaged.